• Bank Better with RDaSH - NO to NHSP
    Bank staff at RDaSH have resisted the move to NHSP for sometime, as opposed to other trusts who have gradually moved onto NHSP over the past few years. Staff forced onto NHSP contracts are now seeing their rights eroded. NHSP have not been awarded the lump sum and members have no way of challenging this. WHY? Because NHSP do not negotiate with trade unions! NHSP is preferred by trusts as it saves the them money, it does this by paying less to the bank staff. So, if you want to do any overtime you will be forced to sign onto NHSP and then get paid less than you would get for your substantive post. Imagine working on bank alongside a colleague on a substantive post, doing the same job but being paid less! Pay and conditions are protected by keeping the bank contracts with RDaSH, plain and simple! We need to fight and say no NSHP!
    217 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Parveen Shafiq
  • Demand a pay rise for key workers
    Key workers are getting this country through the pandemic. They headed out to work when the rest of the country stayed at home – putting themselves and their families at risk. It’s time to end the low pay and insecure work that leave many of these workers struggling, and make sure every key worker gets a payrise. The coronavirus crisis demonstrated how much we all owe to all our key workers - healthcare staff, care workers, retail and delivery workers, public transport workers, teachers and support staff, cleaners, energy workers and so many others. But the fact is, many of these workers - an estimated two million - are on the national minimum wage. And many are in insecure work, employed on zero hours contracts with poor terms and conditions. The government can raise the minimum wage. It can use its powers to ban zero hours contracts. And it directly sets the wages of four million key workers in the public sector. It’s time for ministers to act – and give all our key workers the payrise they have earned. Ministers turned up to clap for key workers every Thursday during the lockdown. Now is the time for them to show their support again.
    66,907 of 75,000 Signatures
  • Global Foods Ltd, Cardiff.... FURLOUGH, DON'T SACK WORKERS
    At this time of national emergency, it is vital that as a community, we stick together and help each other. Global Foods Ltd, Cardiff, have decided to sack all workers with less than 24 months employment. This is wrong and we are calling on Global Foods Ltd, Cardiff, to furlough these workers immediately
    273 of 300 Signatures
    Created by robert morgan
  • Tell Medway Council & Medway Norse – Guarantee safety of refuse collectors & public now!
    Refuse workers are working three or four to a cab, with no social distancing measures, a lack of hand cleaner & no additional protective equipment, putting themselves and the public at risk of Coronavirus. Additionally staff with serious conditions, such as cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), have been told they will only get statutory sick pay whilst self-isolating. Please sign this petition and support your refuse workers.
    667 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jack Bidmead
  • Pay a living wage now
    To bring workers out of in work poverty
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Francis