• Stop the cuts to Support staff wages
    Schools Support staff are vital to the running of our Schools and the education our Children. We believe the success of our School and the education they provide will be badly affected by these proposals. School Support staff are some of the lowest paid staff in Schools and proposals to cut their wages in the middle of a cost of living crisis is harsh and wrong.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Mitchell
  • đźš‘ Good will won’t pay the bills - Give our NHS heroes a proper pay rise 🚨
    During the pandemic paramedics, nurses and hospital workers worked to save thousands of lives. People clapped hands and bashed pans weekly to celebrate their contribution. It’s time to make sure they can pay the bills over the winter by giving a decent pay rise.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Dawson Picture
  • Save Hackney Library Services - stop the cuts!
    Help protect staff jobs and our libraries for current & future generations. We need at least 750 signatures from people who work, live or study in Hackney to be considered by the full council at Hackney Town Hall in November!
    3,197 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Hackney UNISON branch Picture
  • Pay Parity for OCS Staff!
    OCS staff at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust do the same job as their NHS colleagues but their terms and conditions are substantially worse. They don't get enhancements or overtime rates. Sign this letter now to send a message to the trust board that they deserve full parity with NHS staff.
    11 of 100 Signatures
  • Take Merseyside's Buses Back Under Public Control
    Our bus services are broken. But they could be world-class. The Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor has the power to fix our buses by bringing them back into public control. Right now, private bus companies do what they like, dictating prices, routes, and timetables. You’ve seen the results: catastrophic cuts, skyrocketing fares, and buses that never turn up on time. It’s not just a bad deal for passengers — drivers are overworked and underpaid, leaving the bus companies struggling to run a reliable service as staff shortages bite. No wonder our drivers are sometimes forced to go on strike! Public control would mean affordable fares and more frequent buses. All with a smart ticket where daily spending is capped. And why not? It’s what they have in London! It would also put staff pay and conditions in public control, delivering a better deal for drivers and more reliable buses for you. Local politicians are there to represent YOU! Let them know you think buses should be in public control.
    1,742 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Better Buses Picture
  • Hinduja Global Services: End low pay for Liverpool's outsourced Home Office staff
    Members of PCS union working for Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS) in Liverpool are taking strike action over pay and conditions. Can you support their campaign? The Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions by processing and issuing record checks for people working with children and adults in vulnerable or sensitive situations. HGS deliver a contract for DBS running the contact centre and back-office functions. Highly rated, poorly paid HGS staff provide an essential service, dealing with around a million calls from the public, and 6 million DBS certificates every year. As key workers they worked throughout the COVID lockdowns, helping other key services keep running safely. But now their employer is offering only a meagre pay award, taking wages just above the minimum wage. HGS are also refusing to improve on other minimum legal terms and conditions. It's not like they can't afford to. Internationally, HGS are a hugely profitable firm, and their owner tops the rich list with a personal wealth of £24.5bn. When prices are rising so quickly, HGS' refusal to agree a fair pay rise will cause real hardship for their staff. One of our members said “We don’t want to disrupt the service we provide to the public but we want to be paid a fair wage to get by on. With double digit inflation I’m finding it really difficult to pay for food and pay the bills. While the company are making record profits and the owner is the richest person in the country, this is not right.” Can you help raise the pressure on HGS to come back to the table and do right by our members? Please send an email to the company's UK CEO now.
    1,344 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by PCS North West
  • Stop the Cuts and Save South Yorkshire’s Buses
    The Problem - The public paid millions to keep buses going during COVID. - That funding ends October 5th: 1 in 3 services could be cut! - Cuts could leave just 4 buses across the whole of South Yorkshire after 10pm and no buses in Barnsley after 7pm! The Cause - For decades, private bus companies have been putting short-term profits over the needs of people and planet. - Now our bus network is unsustainable without massive public support. The pandemic has made this even worse. - But even when the public offer to pay private companies to run services, they're now refusing to play their part! The Solution How do they get away with it? The public has almost no say over the network, leaving big business free to call the shots. 1) We need the Government to extend its funding to keep our buses on the road. 2) We need to speed up plans to bring buses into public control, so routes & timetables are set in the public interest. 3) We need a publicly owned operator to make sure essential services get run, even if private operators refuse!
    516 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Better Buses Picture
  • Defend firefighters' breathing apparatus safety procedures
    Firefighters’ BA is crucial for tackling fires safely in buildings, providing them with protection from death, injury and disease when working in oxygen-deficient, toxic and hazardous atmospheres. Firefighters attending high-rise fires must wear their BA and be under air before moving beyond the bridgehead - a safe-air environment – to tackle the fire and rescue anyone inside the building safely. New policy guidance issued by the NFCC would permit firefighters to be sent beyond the bridgehead without being supplied with safe air. If firefighters are not using their BA to supply safe air when they pass beyond the bridgehead, it provides them with no protection at all. This new procedure would: - Expose firefighters to toxic smoke and other harmful substances that can cause death, injury, cancer & other diseases. - Make dealing with any equipment faults extremely difficult. - Make calculating how much air a firefighter needs to get out safely impossible. If a firefighter runs out of air or gets in distress, they could be beyond the point of rescue. Firefighters’ lives, and public safety, are at risk if this policy is put in place. Dead and injured firefighters can’t rescue anybody.
    12,128 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Fire Brigades Union
  • Give Britain’s railways proper funding now!
    Millions of us across the country rely on train services every day to get to work, go to school, and as a greener option for travelling across the country. But the UK government is cutting Network Rail’s annual expenditure by £100 million. More than 2,600 dedicated railway workers will lose their jobs, their livelihoods and careers. That means fewer staff to undertake vital maintenance work, fewer inspectors on board trains, fewer route controllers to keep services safe and functional. It’s impossible to make those cuts without cutting corners on safety. We don’t want to see commuters packed like sardines into unsafe trains. We don’t want cuts that could make accidents more likely and increase the possibility of trains flying off the tracks. We deserve safe, reliable and affordable and well maintained trains for all. The UK government must recognise the world's most successful railways are in public ownership, and backed by sustainable government funding. We demand a better vision for the future of Britain’s rail. We want the UK government to put safety and livelihoods first. Sign the petition to stop this jobs disaster and the largest cuts to public rail services in a generation.
    20 of 100 Signatures
  • End Poverty Pay at Calderdale Royal Hospital
    NHS workers (e.g. Porters, Cleaners, Catering, Security) who are employed by ISS, a private company that is contracted by Calderdale & Huddersfield Foundation Trust to run non-clinical services, want an end to their minimum wage rates, terms and conditions. As NHS workers they are demanding alignment with the NHS “Agenda for Change” contract that would see their pay, terms and conditions significantly improved. Every day since March 2020, our members have put themselves at risk; at risk of getting infected and at risk of infecting their family. We clapped for them, we labelled them heroes and yet these local NHS heroes face the indignity of being treated less than; to be employed as NHS workers, but not paid as NHS workers. The Trust outsourced their responsibility to ISS and in return ISS have raced to the bottom to set these workers on minimum pay. We are simply demanding that this be corrected, that the Trust recognise its responsibility to these NHS heroes and take action to end poverty pay at Calderdale Royal Hospital.
    2,457 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Wheatley
  • Fix the broken civil service and public sector pay systems
    Over the last decade, pay for civil servants and others covered by the pay remit guidance has been under attack and has lagged behind inflation, and pay levels and increases in the private sector. Individual departments have had their hands tied by the Cabinet Office and have been unable to offer fair pay increases for their staff – and it’s gone on for too long. This has been compounded by the absence of pay progression arrangements. Public servants deserve a fair deal – they are always important to our way of life, but their dedication has been crucial in getting us through the pandemic. The least they deserve is for their living standards to be maintained, and their knowledge, skills and experience rewarded. Among staff and employers there is a common recognition that pay systems are broken and in the need of fundamental reform and adequate funding. Please sign this petition for fair pay for those who help defend, protect, support and enhance all of our lives.
    6,302 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Prospect Union
  • OCS: Pay Up Now!
    We are NHS workers in Lancashire and we urgently need your support. As hospital cleaners and catering staff, we are outsourced to OCS and have worked 24/7 throughout the pandemic to keep staff and patients safe. But while OCS boasts it turned over hundreds of millions during the COVID crisis, it continues to pay us less than our NHS colleagues doing exactly the same jobs. Hospital workers employed by OCS are £2000 worse off than our colleagues working for the NHS. We also have inferior working conditions including 7 days less annual leave and lower sick pay. We submitted a collective grievance about this issue in May 2021, and EIGHT MONTHS on, we finally received a response- which failed to address any of the issues and passed blame to the NHS Trust. We have become increasingly frustrated and have now voted 97.8% in favour of taking strike action to resolve this issue. One OCS worker said: "I work for OCS as a domestic on the hospital wards. When accepted the job I was told the rate of pay was minimum wage, but was not told I would be working alongside work colleagues on a different contract which has a higher rate of hourly pay and full sick pay, they also receive 35 days holidays and we get 28 days including bank holidays. We have all worked through the pandemic, working on Covid 19 wards where some Covid patients have been walking freely around the wards. As a thank you from OCS we received a 2 finger KitKat and told we could also have an extra 10 minute break! We all found this very insulting, we have been fighting our dispute with OCS for 3 years now and we feel that the 2 tier pay system and contracts that OCS have in place are very unfair and causes friction amongst work colleagues, we all do the same job and we should all receive the same rate of pay and terms and conditions." Sadly, OCS still isn’t listening. We think that a great way to get the Chief Executive’s attention is to flood his inbox with emails from all of us. Can you take a few minutes to email Bob Taylor? It’s easy, you just need to add your details and press send. We don’t want to strike if we can avoid it, especially not in the middle of a global pandemic but we will do what it takes to get fair treatment. Health bosses and OCS can still avert a strike by agreeing to pay us the correct rate for the job. Claps don't pay the bills. Key workers demand fair pay. #ONENHS, nobody left behind.
    418 of 500 Signatures
    Created by UNISON North West