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To: Dear Steve Warburton CEO LUHFT, Debbie Herring Chief people Officer LUHFT

Aintree site bank HCA up-banding campaign

We are requesting that you review the trusts decision to not allow the historic aintree site bank band 2 HCA's to use their skills and competencies and Up-band them to the band 3 job role

Why is this important?

Our HCA's members have raised that they wish to continue performing their nursing interventions to support their nursing colleagues, patient care and patient safety . Our registered nursing members have raised concerns that without this work from a valued group of staff, patient care and patient safety is impacted.

Lower Ln, Liverpool L9 7AL, UK

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2021-08-20 20:26:04 +0100

100 signatures reached

2021-08-20 17:46:31 +0100

50 signatures reached

2021-08-20 15:29:18 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-08-20 14:17:11 +0100

10 signatures reached