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To: Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman

Open letter to Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman: Buy Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club!

Dear Mayor Rahman, 

We, the undersigned, call on you to take action and buy Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club (BGWMC), to save it from closure. 

BGWMC is a vital part of cultural life in the borough. It is one of vanishingly few queer venues that provide a safe space for LGBT+ people, a consistent program of affordable professional performance, and a space for community arts and culture.  

The current owners are shamefully intent on a sale at all costs, disregarding the deep damage the closure of BGWMC as a late night live performance venue will do to the cultural life of East London. 

While we very much welcome Tower Hamlets Council saying that you will not allow the club to be used for a purpose other than as a cultural venue, the club is still at risk.

As has happened with many other LGBT+ venues, the club could be bought by a wealthy property developer as an investment, kept closed and allowed to fall into a derelict state. 

We ask that you use the powers you have as Mayor of Tower Hamlets to buy the club, and lease it back to the Friends of Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club community group, so that they can continue to run it as a live performance venue, supporting the rich nightlife of the borough with a queer friendly space offering jobs for the LGBT+ community. 

The supporters, patrons and performers of Bethnal Green Working Mens Club

Why is this important?

In response to an application from Equity, the Principal Planning Officer for Tower Hamlets has confirmed the position of the Local Authority, saying "any proposed development which would not retain the existing cultural venue (along with its important LGBT+ focus) would not be supported.” 

The Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club has been a hub for creativity, and inclusivity for more than 20 years, and has a community history that spans 130 years. It has provided a platform for countless artists, professional performers, and community groups, particularly within the LGBT+ community. Its closure has already left a significant void in the local cultural landscape, and we fear that, without immediate intervention, this iconic space could be lost in a battle between developers and planning protections. 

Tower Hamlets Council has an opportunity to not only safeguard the club’s future but also signal to residents that their cultural heritage is valued and protected. By doing so, they can ensure that this historic venue continues to thrive and live up to its reputation as a unique centre for culture and community. 

We urge Tower Hamlets to act swiftly, as the longer the club remains closed, the greater the risk of it falling into disrepair and being lost forever. We hope that Tower Hamlets Council will take this opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to the arts, culture, and the diverse communities that call this borough home. 

How it will be delivered

By hand to Mayor Lutfur Rahman at Tower Hamlets Borough Council

42-46 Pollard Row, London E2 6NB, UK

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