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To: Arts Council Wales, Arts Council England, Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Culture, and UK Government Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Protect Welsh National Opera

Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council England funding cuts are putting the future of Welsh National Opera (WNO) at risk

These cuts must not be allowed to happen on our watch

We're calling on WNO management, Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council England to:
• Keep WNO as a full-time company
• Stop the proposed 15% pay cut
• Agree a sustainable funding package to secure WNO's future, including touring

We’re also asking the UK and Welsh governments to step up, play their part and protect WNO

Diogelu Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Mae toriadau ariannol gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac Arts Council England yn fygythiad i ddyfodol Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Rhaid i’r toriadau hyn beidio â digwydd tra ein bod ni wrth y llyw

Rydym yn galw ar reolwyr Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru ac Arts Council England i:
• Gadw Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru yn gwmni llawn-amser
• Atal y toriad cyflog 15% arfaethedig
• Cytuno ar becyn ariannu cynaliadwy er mwyn sicrhau dyfodol Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, gan gynnwys teithio

Gofynnwn hefyd i lywodraethau Cymru a’r DU gamu i’r bwlch, chwarae eu rhan a diogelu Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru

Why is this important?

We are the orchestra of Welsh National Opera.

Our company was founded by miners, teachers, doctors and others who wanted a national opera company rooted in Wales’ rich musical heritage.

Management is being forced to consider making us part-time and cutting our pay by 15%.

WNO will also have to cut down on touring, risking leaving towns and cities like Llandudno and Bristol without the high-quality opera provision they deserve.

This isn’t an exaggeration – back in 2022, WNO announced that it will no longer be able to tour to Liverpool due to arts funding cuts and the need for “budget efficiencies.”

The future of opera in Wales and England must not be low paid jobs, insecure contracts, and access only for those who can afford it.

These cuts must not be allowed to happen on our watch.

Sign the petition to protect Welsh National Opera!

Pam fod hyn y bwysig?

Ni yw cerddorfa Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru.

Sefydlwyd ein cwmni gan lowyr, athrawon, doctoriaid ac eraill a oedd eisiau cwmni opera cenedlaethol wedi’i ymwreiddio yn etifeddiaeth gerddorol gyfoethog Cymru.

Mae’r rheolwyr yn cael eu gorfodi i ystyried ein cyflogi ni ar sail ran-amser a thorri ein cyflogau 15%.

Bydd hefyd rhaid i’r cwmni dorri nifer ei deithiau, gan adael trefi fel Llandudno a Bryste heb y ddarpariaeth opera o ansawdd maent yn eu haeddu.

Nid gor-ddweud yw hyn – nôl yn 2022, cyhoeddodd cwmni Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru na fyddai’n gallu teithio i Lerpwl mwyach oherwydd toriadau ariannol yn y celfyddydau, a’r angen am arbedion effeithiolrwydd yn y gyllideb.

Ni ddylai dyfodol opera yng Nghymru a Lloegr olygu swyddi sy’n talu cyflogau isel, contractau ansicr, a mynediad dim ond i’r rheiny a all ei fforddio.

Rhaid i’r toriadau hyn beidio â digwydd tra ein bod ni wrth y llyw.

Llofnodwch y ddeiseb i ddiogelu Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru!
Wales, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2024-12-10 14:49:26 +0000

🎶 Protect Welsh National Opera! Support musicians campaigning to protect jobs at Welsh National Opera (WNO) and secure the company’s future

Email your MP now →

The letter is available in both English and Welsh, and includes instructions on how to find your MP's contact details.

🎶 Diogelwch Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru! Cefnogwch y cerddorion sy’n ymgyrchu dros ddiogelu swyddi yn Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru (WNO) a diogelu dyfodol y cwmni

Anfonwch neges e-bost at eich AS nawr →

Mae’r llythyr ar gael yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, ac mae’n cynnwys cyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddod o hyd i fanylion cyswllt eich AS

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