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To: The Director of Adult Social Care, the Chief Accountable Officer of the CCG, the Integrated Commissioners + Divisional Directors of the Salford Care Organisation

Reinstate Carer's provision in the ''Salford Offer''

Dear The Director of Adult Social Care, the Chief Accountable Officer of the CCG, the Integrated Commissioners + Divisional Directors of the Salford Care Organisation

We would like you to reinstate:

''We will pay Carers’ leave at full-pay for workers caring for a dependent who has COVID-19, or for whom childcare is unavailable''.

Why is this important?

This section was removed from the updated Salford Offer (October 2020) and we the undersigned believe that it affects single parents, that are key workers, in Adult Social Care, unfairly.

If an outbreak occurs in a Salford School, where key worker children are situated, it leaves key workers that have child care issues in a vulnerable position financially.

Please reconsider.
Salford, UK

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2021-02-10 13:09:43 +0000

Hi Everyone!

Thank you to everyone that has signed this petition.



Salford City Council have reinstated carers allowances to the Salford Offer!

Therefore any care/support worker that is having caring issues due to Covid-19 will receive their full pay!

2021-01-25 12:26:03 +0000

100 signatures reached

2021-01-22 13:58:38 +0000

50 signatures reached

2021-01-22 11:07:45 +0000

25 signatures reached

2021-01-22 10:06:08 +0000

10 signatures reached