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To: Councillor George Duggins

Coventry Council: Reinstate Pete Randle, stop union busting, stop strike breaking and pay the rate

The bin dispute which began in January has now ended with a pay rise for the drivers worth up to 12.9%, which is worth an estimated £3,600 per year in their pay packets.

The deal also includes Christmas bonuses worth some £4,000, and disciplinary charges against Unite Shop Steward Pete Randle dropped.

We call upon the Labour Leader of Coventry City Council, George Duggins to end the suspension of Pete Randle and pay our HGV drivers the rate for the job with immediate effect.

Pete has been suspended unfairly in another union-busting move. Unite the union will not stand for reps being unnecessarily attacked by bad bosses using anti-trade union tactics.

Why is this important?

Pete is one of the 75 refuse workers in Coventry City who have been on an all-out strike since 31st Jan over a pay dispute.

• The Council is reported to have spent in the region of 2.8 million of taxpayers’ money trying to break the strike and using contractor Tom White Waste to break the picket.

• It would cost less than £300,000 to resolve the dispute, but it seems Coventry City Council is hell-bent on wasting taxpayers’ money.

• Just recently, Coventry Council published an important untrue statement, saying the bin lorry drivers earn up to £52,163 a year. The truth is the hourly pay rate is £11.49-£14.37 meaning the lowest-paid earns a basic wage of just £22,183 a year.

• This council has a history of wasting taxpayers’ money, including on fat cat salaries and golden handshakes.

• Former deputy chief executive, Martin Yardley, was given more money than any other council staff member in the whole country in 2019/20 pocketing £573,660.

• In 2018, the retiring finance chief waltzed off with just shy of £450,000.

An attack on one is an attack on all!

Please sign the petition
Coventry, UK

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Petition is successful with 11,784 signatures

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