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To: Charlie Brown Managing Director of Chartwells

Sick Pay for Catering staff at Sussex University!

Hospitality Workers at Chartwells/ Sussex University deserve proper Company Sick pay.
No to poverty Statutory Sick Pay!

Why is this important?

Chartwells staff at Sussex University are currently the ONLY workers on campus who have to operate on completely inadequate Statutory Sick Pay.
This means when they're poorly, they are having to choose between staying home (and struggling to pay their bills) or coming to work when they're ill (in a food safe environment).
*We demand Sick Pay that matches pay and is paid from the first day of illness!
*They are NOT second class citizens!
*This is NOT in line with the Sussex University values of Kindness, Integrity, Inclusion, Collaboration and Courage!
Show your support

How it will be delivered

Via Email

Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH, UK

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