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To: James Murray MP, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury

Stand with PCS reps at Benton Park View, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

Demand re-instatement for union representatives dismissed for trade-union activity
HM Revenue and Customs senior management at Benton Park View in Newcastle have dismissed Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) reps Gordon Askew, Rachel Farmer and Joel Hamilton following a period of industrial action in 2023.  
The union has launched a high-profile campaign calling for the re-instatement of our reps and against any further victimisation of union activists. The campaign has attracted widespread support from trade-unions, MPs and activists across the labour movement. 18 MPs have shown their support for the PCS reps by signing Early Day Motion 52 sponsored by Mary Glindon MP. Kate Osborne, Labour MP for Jarrow and Gateshead East, raised the victimisation of PCS reps in Parliament during Treasury questions on September 3.  

Why is this important?

PCS believes the dismissals amount to trade union victimisation. The Labour government has promised a New Deal for working people. If the government is to deliver on this promise it must end all union-busting policies of previous administrations and remove constraints on trade unions to enable them to deliver justice in the workplace. In common with all union representatives, the reps at Benton Park View make sacrifices daily to help working people with no thought of personal reward. 
The government can demonstrate its intention to deliver a New Deal by reinstating PCS representatives dismissed while representing government employees.  We are demanding that the government and HM Revenue and Customs immediately re-instate Rachel, Gordon and Joel and put an end to further discrimination against trade union representatives carrying out democratically-elected roles.  
Will you add your name to show your support for our reps and raise the pressure on the Government and HMRC to do the right thing and reverse the dismissals?

How it will be delivered

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