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To: Deirdre O’Brien, Leader of Retail + People at Apple

Stop union-busting in Apple stores!

We, the undersigned, demand that Apple immediately stop its union-busting activities in Apple stores all over the UK and respect the right of its workers to unionise. Apple has instructed its store managers to have anti-union one-to-one conversations and Downloads (team meetings) with employees. This has led to managers engaging in a variety of tactics to prevent unionising, including misleading workers about unions, intimidating them to vote against unionisation, and encouraging a culture of staff reporting on colleagues’ union conversations.

Management have ordered members to stop discussing unions “within Apple space and time”, referring them to the company’s non-solicitation policy. This policy prohibits employees from advertising their business or campaigning for political parties at work, it does not mention unions.

Apple management’s behaviour is unethical and prevents its workers from becoming informed, unionising and collectively bargaining for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions. Union-busting undermines trust within the workplace, sows division, and violates workers' right to free association.

We call on Apple to respect the rights of its employees. We call on the company to treat staff with dignity and respect, and ensure that workplace practices do not impede their right to join a union.

Why is this important?

All workers have a right to join a union, Apple employees are no different. We deserve fair and free access to unions where we can negotiate for better pay in uncertain economic circumstances and healthier shift work, within a company that can clearly afford to do better than “good enough”.

When workers have a voice on the job, everyone benefits - workers, employers, and society as a whole. Join us in standing up for workers' rights and ending union-busting activities at Apple.





2023-01-18 14:56:04 +0000

100 signatures reached

2023-01-17 07:11:05 +0000

50 signatures reached

2023-01-16 17:02:03 +0000

25 signatures reached

2023-01-16 15:06:15 +0000

10 signatures reached