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To: James Carey, Director

Vista Therm: Respect your Workers! Recognise Unite!

We call for management of Vista Therm in Lurgan to bring an end to this dispute by engaging with their workers through Unite the Union:

1. To recognise their Union Unite
2. To be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace
3. A pay rise in line with inflation to offset the cost of living crisis & to be acknowledged in the success of the company for the years they received no pay rise at all

Instead of attempting to break their strike, it would be a far better use of time and resources to just show some respect and sit down with workers. Unite members, your employees, want to raise concerns, have a voice in their workplace and secure a real pay increase as they struggle to survive during a cost-of-living crisis.

Why is this important?

Workers from Vista Therm, in Lurgan Northern Ireland, are on weeks-long all-out strike action for fair pay, union recognition and dignity at work.

Amongst a web of unlimited companies in the British Virgin Islands and Isle of Man these companies no longer disclose their financial accounting. However trade sources estimate the parent company to be worth around £200m. The last time Vista Therm in Lurgan published its accounts was in 2021 and the company turnover then was up 24.6% with profits of £6m. This is a hugely successful business and without its skilled workforce to deliver the finished products it simply wouldn’t be the success that it is today.

These workers didn’t choose to go on strike lightly, they were forced to take this action because the company refused to listen to them and engage in any talks or discussion.

Lurgan, Craigavon, UK

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2023-09-08 18:26:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-08-28 08:27:46 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-08-25 18:18:41 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-08-25 17:55:19 +0100

It’s a long way to Tipperary! Vista Therm workers today travelled all the way to Nenagh, Tipperary (where parent company Carey Glass is based) to engage the local community with petitions and leaflets and gather public support & solidarity for their strike up North.
Turns out the local community don’t have many good words for Carey Glass it's clear (pun intended!) that their reputation here is similar to that in Lurgan. Workers ask why they recognise Unions in Tipperary yet they Union Bust in the North #UnionBustingisdisgusting

2023-08-25 14:46:43 +0100

10 signatures reached

2023-08-25 12:33:29 +0100

Today we launched our online petition after gathering over 200 signatures in just two days on our public campaign stalls.