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To: : William Macdonald, Director of Education, Comhairle nan Eilean Siar /Western Isles Council

#WISchoolsNeedTeachers: EIS Support face-to-face teaching from professionally registered teachers.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar /Western Isles Council, without consultation, is trying to use the pre-election period to implement sweeping changes to the learning and teaching practices in the authority’s secondary schools without consulting staff, parents or pupils. It would mean that more classes would be delivered remotely by learning platform provider, e-Sgoil, locally.

The decision means that whilst pupils in S4-S6 will receive a subject option form which it alleges “gives pupils the opportunity to study a wider range of subjects” by harmonising the choice forms and timetables across all four secondary schools:

It gives NO guarantee that these choices can be met.

It admits that to facilitate these options there may NOT be a qualified teacher in the classroom.

It admits that this is a financial decision NOT an educational one.

Despite our calls for proper consultation These option forms have already been issued!

I support the Western Isles EIS stance to ensure meaningful consultation takes place and that all teaching should be with fully qualified, GTCS registered teachers.

Why is this important?

This is entirely contrary to the position which the EIS believed had been agreed with remote learning platform provider, e-Sgoil, locally. A further statement from the EIS can be found;

• Further clarity is given on these proposals. E-Sgoil is not a presenting centre, it is not a school. It is a remote learning platform provider and has a national role as such. It should not be used to undermine physical teaching and learning in the Western Isles.
• Full consultation be undertaken with parent councils, pupils and staff via their trade unions – as is the recognised mechanism for consultation.
• Status quo remains until agreement is reached on these proposals.
• The maintenance of face-to-face teaching as a first choice; and a
• A fully funded teaching provision on sustainable permanent contracts as a priority.

Further EIS priorities for the local election can be found

Add your name and show the Comhairle how many teachers support the call for face to face, fully qualified teachers to provide education in Na h-Eileanan an iair/Western Isles.

Na h-Eileanan an Iar, UK

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