Stop Cuts to Jobs and Conditions at Sheffield Hallam UniversityThe loss of jobs at SHU will have a significant impact on the local region. The cuts in professional services, the reduction of staff time and attacks on their working conditions, also pose a serious threat to the university’s reputation as a provider of quality education and pastoral care to students. The commitment to a satellite campus in London raises significant questions about the university’s civic commitment to South Yorkshire and about the financial viability of its plans. We, the undersigned, support our recognised unions’ demands that SHU avoids further cuts to staff numbers as a budget priority, that it reverses breaches to the National Framework Agreement and retains existing employment policies. We urge the Vice Chancellor and the university management to enter meaningful negotiations as a matter of urgency to resolve this dispute and work collaboratively with unions to develop a workplan to safeguard roles and services across SHU. Â703 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Joint Union Petition UCU, Unison, Unite & GMB at SHU
Save Ron Todd House!Ron Todd House stands as a symbol of the relentless fight for workers' rights, social justice, and the power of collective action. This building has served as a beacon for those dedicated to championing the rights of the working class. But now, Ron Todd House is at risk. Without urgent funds, we could lose this vital piece of our social history—an irreplaceable reminder of the sacrifices and victories that shaped the labour and trade union movement in the UK. Losing this house would mean erasing a part of our history—a place where important decisions are made, and where the voices of workers fighting for equality and for the prevention of poverty are amplified.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Woolley
New Deal for TeachersThie last government has shown not one shred of care or concern for the teaching profession and presided over 14 years of neglect and decline. We know the scale of the challenge the new government faces. We’re not asking for quick fixes. Our members want lasting solutions that will repair our broken schools and colleges. We want to work with the Government to secure good industrial relations through dialogue and consensus building, including: • social partnership with workforce trades unions and employers and strengthen collective bargaining rights; • restoring confidence in the independent teachers’ pay review process; • requiring all school and college employers to recognise trade unions for the purpose of collective bargaining.Â87 of 100 Signatures
Return our Kids to Churchill Community College and Call on the DFE to fix our SchoolSchool days were the best days of your life but for these kids it has been stop, start and then move school. They need and education they deserve. They need to enjoy school and be around there peers. This can only be possible if mobile building are on site allowing them to be in their own school grounds The Department for Education must foot the bill for the repairs. Council receives approx £3million for school budgets, to rebuild a school like Churchill Community College will cost approx £25million plus another 3 schools in the borough also need repairing. This will almost inevitably impact on our children in the future as Council and school budgets are all at breaking point.298 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Craig Thompson
Save Byron Court Primary School - Stop the Forced Academisation🢜 Ensure an equal, non-selective environment with a focus on the whole child, an approach that doesn't achieve academic excellence or good behaviour by excluding children or making them scared to be in school 🢜 Give a say to those that it will impact most - the staff, the families, the local community 🢜 Stop the privatisation of our children's education HOW ELSE CAN YOU HELP? Write to your local councillors: https://bit.ly/BrentCounc Write to Barry Gardiner MP: [email protected] Follow us: https://twitter.com/savebyroncourt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savebyroncourt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/savebyroncourt Donate to our Campaign fundraising page: https://gofund.me/c696a9202,199 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Save Byron Court
Save Hackney's Children's CentresHigh-quality, affordable childcare is critical to children’s development, especially the most vulnerable, and 0-3 years is where the biggest impact can be made on outcomes for children. Disadvantaged children benefit significantly from good quality preschool experiences, especially when they are educated with a mixture of children from different social and economic backgrounds - research has shown that this helps close the gap between them and their peers. This is particularly significant in Hackney, where there is a 43% child poverty rate, 10% higher than the London average. These cuts will hurt these children most and disadvantage minority groups. Closing these Children's Centre nurseries will result in the loss of 200 full-time, all-year, affordable childcare places to Hackney families. This is a 33% cut of subsidised nursery places in Hackney. The closures will disproportionately affect vulnerable children, lower-income families, women, single parents, and people of the Global Majority. Childcare costs are a driver of poverty and access to affordable childcare is essential for the wellbeing of working families. We want to protect the jobs of dedicated staff, many of whom also live in Hackney. We’re looking at over 40 staff (including support staff) over the two centres proposed for closure alone. Almost all staff are women and many are people of the Global Majority. We believe that more Children's Centre closures will follow as budgets are squeezed further and Hackney Council continue to make cuts to vital services. Children’s Centres provide vital support and services to local families and we must fight to keep them open! No Children’s Centre nursery closures! No cuts to affordable childcare!1,513 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Hackney UNISON branch
Save Our Schools - Stop the £8.2 million cut to Edinburgh SchoolsCutting £8.2m from schools will cause great harm to teaching, learning and wellbeing at a time when our teachers and support staff are, struggling to meet the needs of an ever growing number of pupils with Additional Support Needs, bearing the brunt on a daily basis of dysregulated pupil behaviour and suffering enormously from workload stress and low morale. Pupils that have an ASN need more to be invested in education, not less. But the same is also true of other pupils in their classes whose learning is also affected because teachers are so over-stretched as they struggle to attend to those with the greatest needs. Further cuts to Devolved School Management budgets will erode all kinds of provision. Some Head Teachers may be forced to cut numbers of Pupil Support Assistants, again affecting pupils who most need the support of these vital school workers. Others will cut per capita department budgets affecting which courses will be able to run or that basic essentials such as paper, pens, textbooks and vital resources will be increasingly unavailable. Schools cannot run on iPads alone. Already In some schools the amount of money available to spend per head is less than a pound a week and a great many teachers are buying pens, pencils and other resources for their pupils. The cost of these cuts to Edinburgh schools will be devastating, leading to increased stress and a decline in morale and wellbeing of teachers, support staff and senior leaders. Schools are constantly asked to look at how to raise attainment, how is it possible to do more with less.3,694 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Phill Pearce
Fair Pay for Teachers in Northern IrelandPay for teachers in Northern Ireland has fallen by 38% in real terms since 2010. In Scotland, a new teacher will be paid £8000 more a year than their equivalent in Northern Ireland. A teacher in England will be paid £5000 a year more. Teachers in Northern Ireland are not worth less than teachers in other countries in the UK. They should get the same pay for the same job as other teachers across the UK. Please support our petition for a Better Deal for teachers and FE lecturers in Northern Ireland.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by NASUWT - The Teachers' Union
Please ensure a nursery for the children of staff in Abbey WoodAbbey Wood Nursery is a key benefit for working in DE&S and SDA and its closure will negatively impact every team in Abbey Wood. Withdrawal of nursery provision at Abbey Wood: * Undermines future recruitment, making us less attractive to new talent. * Undermines staff who have families now or may in future, as well as those who work with such people - which is nearly everyone. * Reduces productivity of DE&S and SDA staff. * Disproportionately impacts women. Staff Engagement Networks and Trades Unions report that their members are opposed to closure of the Abbey Wood nursery which is a backward step for Abbey Wood and Defence.397 of 400 SignaturesCreated by John Dalgleish
#CollegeCutsKillCommunities Stop job losses at UHI Shetland and the attack on rural communitiesThe loss of staff and educational provision on this scale will have a hugely detrimental impact on the community of Shetland - on the staff who will lose jobs and livelihoods; on rural and isolated communities; on the local economy and on the young people who have a right to access tertiary education locally. In August 2021 Shetland College was privatised and became UHI Shetland- the first college which was privatised from the public sector in Scotland. Lecturers at the college were opposed to privatisation because they were worried about the negative impact on staff terms and conditions and security of employment, as well as students’ quality and diverse range of education. Nonetheless, elected members were assured that the ‘financial flexibility’ non-incorporation would bring was a priority. We’re now two years on from the merger and have been informed that staffing costs need to be further reduced with lecturers now at risk of redundancy. Although every Academic section is facing a reduction of lecturers, the department most at risk is Community Learning & Business (CL&B). This section supports emotionally, psychologically, physically, and financially vulnerable students – providing important access level courses and provision as well as delivering courses to students with additional support needs, in core skills, employability, ESOL, hospitality, professional cookery, business and accounting. Depopulation in Shetland is a real concern and the loss of staff at a major employer on the island coupled with a loss of accessible, inclusive and diverse education will only make this problem worse. A wide range of courses should be available at UHI Shetland and secure and long-lasting employment which benefits the local community. We should be investing in our communities, supporting the growth of skills, confidence, and the employment futures of everyone in Shetland. We are seeking to engage with SFC and the Minister for Further and Higher Education about additional funding for UHI Shetland via UHI. We ask you to sign the petition and support our campaign. Keep up to date on the campaign by following us on social media: Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063477846466 Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EISFELAShetland2,813 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by UHI Shetland EIS FELA Branch
Stop trade union victimisation at Brighton UniversityBrighton University claims it respects the role of the recognised trade unions to represent and negotiate for its employees. But by attacking UCU reps, the University is declaring war on the union. They are clearly signalling that they no longer want to negotiate with union reps on equal terms. They want to create a climate in which staff are too fearful to stand up for themselves, let alone to stand for a union position. What could follow is the unilateral replacement of all the agreements governing lecturers’ and researchers’ terms and conditions with new arrangements imposed by them. Managers everywhere will be rubbing their hands with glee if they can get away with this here. The future of Brighton UCU is at stake. If we want our union membership to mean something concrete, we all need to defend union branches under attack. Our Vice Chancellor and her crew of lackeys would love nothing more than to decapitate our UCU branch. They want to rule through fear and intimidation with no resistance. We need to stand up in defence of our elected reps. Please sign our petition of support and ask your branch to donate to our hardship fund here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/brightonunistrike953 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Brighton UCU
Stop Staff Cuts at the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)The University announced on Monday 14 August plans to make £3 million cuts to the staffing budget which could lead to up to 40 job losses in the University’s Executive Office (EO). Cuts of this scale will have a devastating impact on those individuals losing their jobs and their families, but also on the future of the University and the Highlands and Islands’ economy. Many of the staff employed by EO are in roles which deliver critical functions like student support, student experience, finance, and ensuring academic quality. Jobs are also threatened in the University’s academic and research functions in areas such as nursing, optometry, history, biomedical sciences, and rural health and wellbeing. Please join us in fighting back against these cuts which will have a devastating impact on education across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and on the student experience of the students studying here.1,303 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by UHI UCU