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To: Steve Dann, Border Force Chief Operating Officer

A Fair Border Force Roster - Now!

The Heathrow Change Project has been a disaster from start to finish. The new roster, imposed on the 29th April, has forced hundreds of valued, experienced Border Force officers to leave their jobs. Those left behind struggle with longer shifts, inflexible shift-swapping rules, no clarity on booking leave, and no way to work around caring responsibilities.

Officers tasked with keeping our borders safe deserve to have their concerns heard.

We ask that the senior management team at Heathrow Border Force comes back to the table with PCS, and discusses workable and meaningful changes to the roster.

Why is this important?

Border Force Officers at Heathrow are responsible for admitting travellers into the country, and for detecting and preventing possible security risks. Their experience and expertise is vital to the security of our borders. In order to perform this vital role, Border Force Officers need a shift roster that gives them a healthy work/life balance, allows them to perform their duties to their full potential without being exhausted by long shifts, stops them worrying about finding short-notice childcare, or struggling to work around their medical needs.

We need your support in sending a loud and clear message to senior managers at Heathrow: Border Force officers deserve a fair roster.
Hounslow, UK

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