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To: Steven Boyd, Chief Executive, Government Property Agency

Pay your outsourced ISS workers their fair share

After 34 days of strike action, the members have agreed a deal that will see their pay rise above the Living Wage Foundation’s rates. They've also secured further gains on full pay sick absence and other vital terms, closing the gap between them and the civil service.

Thank you to everyone who signed this petition, donated to the workers' strike fund and came down to the picket line!

Dear Steven,

I am writing to you because I am dismayed to hear that outsourced workers at three Government Departments, outsourced to facilities management giant ISS, have been forced yet again to take strike action to fight for decent pay and conditions. This is a contract your organisation manages and controls and therefore you have a responsibility to those workers represented by PCS Union.

ISS has offered its workers a real terms pay cut despite posting an increase in profit margins for 2022, and while they have increased the amount they charge the Government in line with inflation, ISS is trying to pocket the difference. This greedflation is hurting the economy and it’s hurting the people working on your contract.

This is something PCS Union has repeatedly raised with your organisation, and as a taxpayer, I’m shocked you don’t think this is a serious matter.

ISS made a profit last year of £73m and ten board members received almost £1m between them. Do you think it’s fair that the workers, that made that profit, take a pay cut? Is this the right and proper way to be ensuring value for money for us, the public and taxpayers?

As a concerned member of the public I urge you to intervene and ensure the vital workers that provide services that support the good functioning of Government are heard and their reasonable demands met. I also support their Union’s call to bring the workers back in-house and end the rip off that is outsourcing and that your organisation oversees.

Why is this important?

Government contractor ISS at 3 departments - Department for Energy Security & Net Zero, Department for Business & Trade and Department for Science, Innovation & Technology - is pocketing the pay of hardworking members of PCS Union working in cleaning, security and other vital Government services.

ISS made a profit last year of £73m and ten board members received almost £1m between them. For our members - the workers that created their profits - they are imposing a real terms pay cut.

Our Ministers are happy to let ISS rip us off, profiteer, and leave our members in hardship. But our members won’t accept that and are striking for their fair share.

Sign our petition to the Government Property Agency calling of them to intervene and get their contractor to pay a proper wage!
Whitehall, London SW1, UK

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2024-01-08 16:48:27 +0000

Petition is successful with 11,728 signatures

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10,000 signatures reached

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1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached