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To: Stagecoach and Mayor of Sheffield City Region

Stop the 86 bus cuts!

Dear Stagecoach, Mayor and Council leaders,

The 86 bus, which runs from Chapeltown to Lowedges, is set to have its services further slashed from late October 2023, with all evening and Sunday services being reduced to just one every two hours. Thanks to local campaigning, we have avoided services being completely cut at those times.

Entire communities, such as Grenoside, depend on this bus for getting to work and accessing amenities, as well as socialising. The impact will be incredibly damaging for thousands of people in these communities, who will be entirely cut off from public transport.

If we want to combat the climate crisis, as well social isolation, we need to ensure that our communities are served by frequent, affordable and reliable public transport.

Why is this important?

While we understand that local authorities are facing huge cuts and having to make difficult decisions, we have a duty to fight for our community and the people within it.

Buses within the Foxhill Road/Grenoside area have been continually cut to the bone, year on year. Our lifeline is the 86 bus, which runs from Chapeltown, through Grenoside and Foxhill Road, down to Sheffield city centre - and then onto Abbeydale Road. This allows myself and other residents to get out and about in the evening, visit friends, go shopping, play sports and get back from work late.

The 86 bus is already a shoddy and incredibly unreliable service and these cuts to evening and Sunday services will completely isolate entire communities, such as Grenoside and Burncross.

Private bus companies, such as Stagecoach, are making a profit from providing a bus service which isn't fit for purpose. At our most recent residents bus meeting, a representative from Stagecoach did not even attend. Drivers are overworked and underpaid and bus companies are free to do what they like, dictating routes and timetables.

Many residents cannot drive due to age, disability or cost. In addition, our roads continue to become busier than ever.
The UK has a target to cut emissions by 68% by 2030, requiring a reduction in total car mileage of at least 20%. This is clearly unachievable while public transport is slashed and left in a state of managed decline.

While we are happy to hear of the re-introduction of the 32 bus through some areas, this only serves the daytime and does not serve the communities who will be most affected by the proposed cuts of the 86 bus.

Stop the cuts to the 86 bus!

Sheffield, UK

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2023-07-25 15:03:35 +0100

Hi all, I've created a Facebook group to discuss the petition and next steps in the campaign. Please join via the link below.

2023-07-22 20:19:40 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-07-12 11:06:43 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-07-07 16:20:26 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-07-06 22:28:10 +0100

10 signatures reached