• Please support G4S Security Guards in their fight for fair pay
    • If the DWP and G4S want to end this dispute, they need to make sure security guards are paid enough to live on.  • G4S has been handed millions by the Government, yet our members can barely afford to feed their families.  • The work they do is hard; they are attacked with alarming regularity just for doing their job.  • Our members deserve a better deal - please support our campaign to make work better for G4S employees across the UK.
    846 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by GMB NEYH . Picture
  • New Deal for Teachers
    Thie last government has shown not one shred of care or concern for the teaching profession and presided over 14 years of neglect and decline. We know the scale of the challenge the new government faces. We’re not asking for quick fixes. Our members want lasting solutions that will repair our broken schools and colleges. We want to work with the Government to secure good industrial relations through dialogue and consensus building, including: • social partnership with workforce trades unions and employers and strengthen collective bargaining rights; • restoring confidence in the independent teachers’ pay review process; • requiring all school and college employers to recognise trade unions for the purpose of collective bargaining. 
    83 of 100 Signatures
  • Support your local bank branch
     We, the undersigned call on NatWest to reverse the decision to close the Upper Edmonton Natwest branch… SAVE OUR BANK BRANCH.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saba Edwards
  • Say ‘No’ to privatisation of NHS finance functions, putting 84 jobs on the line
    These circumstances directly impact 84 hardworking and devoted members of NHS staff, many of whom have been loyal employees for up to 35 years. Previous outsourcing experiments such as Carillion and Circle have shown that the private sector ultimately fails to provide the long term stability that the NHS requires to grow and function successfully, and the burden of the consequences is carried by staff, patients, and the taxpayer.
    1,537 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Manners
  • Justice for outsourced catering workers at Eurostar
    Eurostar claim that “Whether it’s a hearty meal or a light bite, we’re passionate about our food.” But they’re less passionate about fairness for the people who get the food onto their trains. Eurostar has outsourced the supply of food on its services to a company called Rail Gourmet, owned by the travel food multinational SSP Group.  SSP made an operating profit of £55 million in the UK over 2023, while the Group paid a £46 million dividend to its shareholders in the same year.  Rail Gourmet only pay the London Living Wage of £13.15 an hour and their workers get inadequate sick pay and no decent pension, meaning they live hand to mouth while shareholders profit and Eurostar wash their hands of these essential workers.  Rail Gourmet’s Eurostar caterers have had enough and they’re fighting back. They’re campaigning and taking industrial action in pursuit of a decent pay rise, sick pay and pensions. They need your help.  Please add your name to this petition to the Directors of Rail Gourmet and Eurostar calling on them to ensure that hard-working catering staff are made a new offer that can settle their dispute. 
    1,817 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
  • Demand Harrow Road Homelessness Service Stays Out Of Private Hands
    St Mungo's is a homelessness charity whose primary aim is to end homelessness.  Prioritising profit above all else when it comes to selling the site is contrary to this objective. This sale has put 20 frontline workers at risk of redundancy and 44 clients at risk of homelessness. Unaffordable housing is the key driver behind homelessness and it’s unforgivable that a charity committed to ending homelessness is considering selling to a private developer who will inevitably be motivated by profit and thus contributing to the housing crisis and homelessness within the borough, at a time when homelessness is increasing and such services are needed more than ever.
    1,002 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Unite @ St Mungo's Picture
  • Lancashire County Council: Regrade and Recognition Now!
    Over time we have seen a substantial change in our job role.  The cases we handle are far more complex and challenging as services user needs have changed. We are now handling cases that can include severe mental health, neglect, abuse, exploitation and other situations which previously were exclusively dealt with by Social Workers. Lancashire County Council found the majority of Social Care Support Officers to be working at a higher grade, but our regrading did not result in our grade increasing. The service will simply not survive if skilled and dedicated workers are forced to leave because of low pay and lack of recognition for our work.
    833 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UNISON North West Picture
  • Mersey Care NHS workers deserve redundancy pay
    An NHS trust has closed a site a considerable distance from the rest of its sites. After offering workers the chance to relocate, those who cannot commit to making such a long commute are being threatened with being laid-off without the contractual redundancy pay they're entitled to. They will be made redundant this Easter Sunday without any commitment to any future pay from the trust. The trust should do the right think and make sure these workers are fairly compensated.
    1,465 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sam Doherty Picture
  • Fair pay for NHS pandemic heroes working at Whiston Hospital
    The staff involved are merely asking for equal pay which on principle is only fair. The NHS workers consciously doubled up on all out of hour shifts during the pandemic to ensure the public and those within the local area were kept safe. The testing they still do is a continuation of their commitment to their roles and supporting the public. Those involved have all struggled with the public through the recent inflationary rises and longstanding pay deficits imposed by the government and the decision to not offer an equal payment to the staff has impacted them more so as a result. Please sign the petition to show both your support for the NHS pandemic heroes and show your disdain around a management decision to not include the staff involved.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Imra Akra
  • Return our Kids to Churchill Community College and Call on the DFE to fix our School
    School days were the best days of your life but for these kids it has been stop, start and then move school. They need and education they deserve. They need to enjoy school and be around there peers. This can only be possible if mobile building are on site allowing them to be in their own school grounds The Department for Education must foot the bill for the repairs. Council receives approx £3million for school budgets, to rebuild a school like Churchill Community College will cost approx £25million plus another 3 schools in the borough also need repairing. This will almost inevitably impact on our children in the future as Council and school budgets are all at breaking point.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Craig Thompson
    We are calling on Hull City Council to put this right and to TUPE everyone who works at HCAL back in-house, for the following reasons: • Hull City Council staff currently receive better terms and conditions than HCAL staff. • HCAL is making losses year on year – in 2023 this was reported at £2.2 million. • HCAL staff are all on different terms and conditions – if everyone was transferred back to Hull City Council this would mean contracts would eventually be harmonised. • There is a lack of career development and progression for HCAL staff. • And there is a lack of communication when advertising cold water swimming, which left staff stressed and anxious. Please support our campaign to get everyone in HCAL transferred back in house.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GMB NEYH . Picture
  • Save Byron Court Primary School - Stop the Forced Academisation
    🢜 Ensure an equal, non-selective environment with a focus on the whole child, an approach that doesn't achieve academic excellence or good behaviour by excluding children or making them scared to be in school 🢜 Give a say to those that it will impact most - the staff, the families, the local community 🢜 Stop the privatisation of our children's education HOW ELSE CAN YOU HELP?  Write to your local councillors: https://bit.ly/BrentCounc Write to Barry Gardiner MP: [email protected] Follow us: https://twitter.com/savebyroncourt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savebyroncourt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/savebyroncourt Donate to our Campaign fundraising page: https://gofund.me/c696a920
    2,195 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Byron Court Picture