5,000 signatures reached
To: Julie McEwan (CEO), Teneo (Administrators) & Jonathon Reynolds MP (Secretary of State for Business & Trade)
Justice for the 1,000 sacked TGI Friday's workers
On Monday October 7th, over 1,000 hard-working and loyal TGI Friday's workers were terminated with less than an hours' notice. 35 sites across the company were padlocked and workers locked out of their workplaces.
One month on, the workers are still fighting for access to their possessions on site, for notice & redundancy pay, and for the compensation they deserve!
Add your name and demand that sacked TGI Friday’s workers get everything that they're owed and that politicians act so that this isn't allowed to happen to workers again.
Why is this important?
These mass terminations at TGI Friday’s have been devastating for staff who have given years of loyal service.
Restaurants were closed and workers were locked out without any notice by a company who made £190.7m in revenue last year.
Senior management at TGI Friday's including CEO Julie McEwan knew the company was in difficulty for some time, but chose not to carry out meaningful redundancy consultations in good faith.
They chose to let the company sink and let the government insolvency service pick up the tab for £millions in severance packages.
Where was the political outcry?
Staff were terminated without notice or consultation. They were owed wages, holidays, tips, notice pay and redundancy. They were given 57 minutes notice of a call many could not attend to be told their jobs were gone. They weren't even allowed to ask questions.
When P&O sacked 800 workers without any notice in very similar circumstances, there was rightfully a national outcry, from the media, from politicians and from the public. Now, even with a Labour Government, over 1,000 workers are sacked and there have been no questions in parliament, no CEO compelled to appear before a select committee to answer for their behaviour.
We want a meeting with Jonathon Reynolds (Secretary of State for Business & Trade) to discuss how this mass firing without notice can be made illegal once and for all.
Why were these restaurant workers treated like this? Because in the eyes of employers and most politicians, hospitality workers are expendable. They matter less than workers in other industries. But not as far as Unite Hospitality is concerned...
Following a national organising campaign which saw hundreds of TGI workers join their union Unite Hospitality, the pressure on the company was such that they were forced to pay-out wages, tips and holiday pay within a week. Something that the company had told the workers would not haoppen a matter of days previously.
When P&O sacked 800 workers without any notice in very similar circumstances, there was rightfully a national outcry, from the media, from politicians and from the public. Now, even with a Labour Government, over 1,000 workers are sacked and there have been no questions in parliament, no CEO compelled to appear before a select committee to answer for their behaviour.
We want a meeting with Jonathon Reynolds (Secretary of State for Business & Trade) to discuss how this mass firing without notice can be made illegal once and for all.
Why were these restaurant workers treated like this? Because in the eyes of employers and most politicians, hospitality workers are expendable. They matter less than workers in other industries. But not as far as Unite Hospitality is concerned...
Following a national organising campaign which saw hundreds of TGI workers join their union Unite Hospitality, the pressure on the company was such that they were forced to pay-out wages, tips and holiday pay within a week. Something that the company had told the workers would not haoppen a matter of days previously.
But the fight is not over.
Significant numbers of these ex-TGI Friday’s staff have been short-changed on their wages, holiday pay and tips. And despite assurances from administrators Teneo, the workers continue to be locked out of sites & can’t retrieve their belongings.
The workers deserve better than this.
We're calling on TGI Friday's CEO, Julie McEwan, to pay up what is fair to workers who have lost their job, for Teneo to open-up sites to allow workers access to their belongings and a meeting with Jonathon Reynolds