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To: Devon and Somerset Fire Authority

Don't cut fire services in Devon and Somerset

On 10 January, Devon and Somerset Fire Authority voted on the proposed cuts to Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service.

Thanks to tireless campaigning from our members and supporters, we saved 6 stations from closure, over 100 jobs, and stopped three whole-time stations open 24-hours a day from being downgraded to day-crewed stations. We also stopped the third fire engines at Bridgwater, Taunton, Torquay and Yeovil stations from being removed entirely, which will now be replaced by an alternative vehicle.

Unfortunately some of the cuts were still pushed through - such as the closure of Budleigh Salterton station – but we’re proud of what we’ve achieved.

Scrap plans to cut fire services in Devon and Somerset.

These proposals are an attack on the emergency front line service in Devon and Somerset that will put both the public and firefighter lives at risk.

Why is this important?

Devon and Somerset Fire Authority are currently consulting on the biggest cut proposals in living memory.

These cuts propose to:
• Close 8 fire stations in Appledore, Ashburton, Budleigh Salterton, Colyton, Kingston, Porlock, Topsham, and Woolacombe
• Cut night cover at fire stations in Barnstaple, Exmouth, and Paignton
• Cut the second fire engine at Crediton, Lynton, Martock, Totnes fire stations
• Cut the third fire engine from Bridgwater, Taunton, Torquay, Yeovil fire stations
• Cut the day cover for the 2nd fire engine at 14 stations in Brixham, Chard, Dartmouth, Frome, Honiton, Ilfracombe, Okehampton, Sidmouth, Tavistock, Teignmouth, Tiverton, Wells, Wellington, and Williton.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service (DSFRS) senior management are proposing to introduce 6 roving day crewed engines for targeted response, alongside prevention work which they believe will make communities and visitors to Devon and Somerset safer. How can DSFRS management expect the public to respond to a concept which contains not detail? This is an outrage and total mismanagement by DSFRS.

To stop these disastrous cuts, please respond to the consultation and tell DSFRS that we will not accept any deterioration of fire cover in Devon and Somerset.

We are not prepared to compromise on public and firefighter safety and call on Devon and Somerset Fire Authority to reject these dangerous proposals.

Devon and Somerset residents, visitors and firefighters deserve better.

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2020-01-28 11:58:15 +0000

Petition is successful with 30,405 signatures

2019-07-26 16:09:55 +0100

5,000 signatures reached

2019-07-09 10:32:53 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2019-07-08 21:07:22 +0100

500 signatures reached

2019-07-08 15:57:28 +0100

100 signatures reached

2019-07-08 13:41:22 +0100

50 signatures reached

2019-07-08 12:39:27 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-07-08 11:56:40 +0100

10 signatures reached

* A portion of the signature total has been collected offline and has not yet been verified by Megaphone UK.