• Lancashire County Council: Regrade and Recognition Now!
    Over time we have seen a substantial change in our job role.  The cases we handle are far more complex and challenging as services user needs have changed. We are now handling cases that can include severe mental health, neglect, abuse, exploitation and other situations which previously were exclusively dealt with by Social Workers. Lancashire County Council found the majority of Social Care Support Officers to be working at a higher grade, but our regrading did not result in our grade increasing. The service will simply not survive if skilled and dedicated workers are forced to leave because of low pay and lack of recognition for our work.
    833 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UNISON North West Picture
  • Return our Kids to Churchill Community College and Call on the DFE to fix our School
    School days were the best days of your life but for these kids it has been stop, start and then move school. They need and education they deserve. They need to enjoy school and be around there peers. This can only be possible if mobile building are on site allowing them to be in their own school grounds The Department for Education must foot the bill for the repairs. Council receives approx £3million for school budgets, to rebuild a school like Churchill Community College will cost approx £25million plus another 3 schools in the borough also need repairing. This will almost inevitably impact on our children in the future as Council and school budgets are all at breaking point.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Craig Thompson
  • Sick of Statutory Sick Pay!
    We need company sick pay for the protection of our residents and our colleagues. We need company sick pay to give us the time to get better when we are ill. We need company sick pay to protect us financially.
    908 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by GMB Care Sector
  • Do not cut 40 firefighters from Avon Fire and Rescue Service
    We, the residents of Bristol, Bath, South Gloucestershire, North and North East Somerset, are profoundly concerned about the proposed cuts to Avon Fire and Rescue Service, which include the elimination of 40 firefighter positions. Cuts that, if implemented, have the potential to severely impact the safety and well-being of our communities and place immense strain on our firefighting resources when responding to life-critical incidents. We firmly believe that the safety of our community should be an uncompromising priority. Firefighters are our first line of defence against a range of emergencies, and their swift response is critical to saving lives and protecting our property. Reducing their numbers endangers us all. We urgently call on all our local authorities to allocate the necessary funding to maintain a fully staffed and robust Avon Fire and Rescue Service. However, we also recognise the importance of greater central government funding. Our safety is maintained by the effectiveness of our emergency response, and we also implore MPs nationally to prioritise this essential service. We firmly believe that a fully staffed and well-equipped Avon Fire and Rescue Service is an essential part of community infrastructure and a fundamental safeguard for us all.
    2,113 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Senior
  • Northants PFCC must go
    The position of a PFCC should be held by someone with integrity and who can make competent and professional decisions. The current PFCC is not that person. The PFCC is the governance of one of the most trusted and reliable workforces in the public’s time of need. The fire service, firefighters, and the public deserve better.
    769 of 800 Signatures
    Created by FBU Northamptonshire
  • Stop Direct Entry in to Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service
    It's vital to maintain the Health, Safety and Welfare of firefighters, not reduce opportunity for progression and also to ensure that the service has competence and confidence at vital roles across all management levels from Crew - Brigade Management.
    1,158 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by FBU Oxfordshire
  • Urgent support for rail cleaners, security guards and other outsourced workers
    Thousands of cleaners work on our railways, cleaning trains and stations for Train Operating Companies, Network Rail, TfL and London Underground. These cleaners worked throughout the pandemic and continue to work today to keep our rail services clean and safe. The are joined by security guards, gateline staff and many other essential roles. The vast majority of these workers are outsourced to sub-contractors meaning that they have lower pay, no access to sick pay and pensions and are barred from the same free and discounted travel facilities that are given to many other rail workers. The cost of living crisis has hit these low paid workers hard. Yet the directors of rail companies, whose pay is magnitudes greater than that of cleaners, do receive free travel. The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has recognised the cost of living crisis and has given travel facilities to all outsourced cleaners working for TfL and London Underground, also agreeing to explore bringing cleaning in-house on the Tube. It is time that the Secretary of State followed this example, providing free travel for rail cleaners and other outsourced workers and reviewing their outsourcing contracts with a view to bringing them into direct employment.
    4,550 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
  • Support the 13th Note workers!
    For too long hospitality workers have been subject to abusive, hyper-exploitative, unsafe and insecure working conditions. Workers at the 13th Note, represented by Unite Hospitality, are part of a sector-wide upsurge in union activity to tackle these problems and achieve decent and dignified jobs. We stand with our friends in other unions, such as the IWW, who also play a crucial role in organising our sector, seen recently in the Saramago dispute. We struggle not solely for ourselves but for the survival of the arts, cultural and live music scenes which are facilitated by our labour. Hospitality is a key component of social life in this country and we deserve to be properly compensated for our role in that.
    5,816 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by the 13th Note Workers
  • Keep public transport link active to East Midlands Airport
    Lets help those that use the bus as a lifeline, lets keep on track with climate change , join this campaign and lets get this sorted !
    251 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nathan keightley
  • Keep Offshore Workers Safe at Sea
    The UK should not be reliant upon authorities in Liberia, Panama or Antigua if an incident or death occurs whilst working in or transiting from the UK offshore energy sector. Offshore energy workers and seafarers should be afforded the same level of protection as land based workers in the UK and the regulatory gaps should be closed.
    1,527 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Havard
  • Warburton's - possibly sacking staff for protecting their Health and Safety?
    Everyone has the right to a safe environment at their place of work. Drivers who are lone, mobile workers, whose environment changes regularly and sometimes rapidly, should have the confidence to adapt and have the support of their employer in making those decisions
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Menderowicz-Richards Picture
    Four Unite members, including 1 shop steward, have been sacked by Murphy Intl for what Unite believes is legitimate trade union activities. Between them, they have a combined tenure of50 years. We are facing the worst economic crisis in living human history, with the financial clout that Murphy Intl has to force 4 families to face such uncertainty is wholly unacceptable. Please show your support and demand that Murphy Intl immediately REINSTATE THE MURPHY 4.
    450 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Unite the Union