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To: Carrie Ramskill, Chief Operating Officer at HGS

Hinduja Global Services: Protect our jobs in Liverpool!

Members of PCS union, employed by Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS) in Liverpool, have been told that their jobs are at risk of redundancy after announcing plans to restructure.

These union members work for the Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) helping employers make safer recruitment decisions by processing and issuing record checks for people working with children and adults in vulnerable or sensitive situations.

Now, their employer is proposing to cut over a quarter of their staff numbers. And the workers who don’t lose their job will be forced to transfer to Preston.

Expecting these low-paid Liverpool-based workers to transfer 40 miles away to Preston is unfeasible, impractical, and expensive.

In fact, most of the workers have made it clear that they will be left with no choice but to reluctantly take redundancy.

This is devastating news for the workers and their families, as the cost of living crisis continues to bite.

HGS is prioritising cutting costs over the wellbeing and employment of its staff. They have made no concessions to staff or offered to provide any practical or financial help. The DBS call centre has employed local people in Liverpool for many years and it’s important that the DBS retains its presence in the city.

HGS needs to find a way to retain staff and provide them with the financial and employment security they deserve. We need to keep these hard working staff in work and in Liverpool!

Why is this important?

Just last year, these workers successfully fought for and won a 10% pay rise to recognise the excellent work they do.

Now this same group of workers are caught between a rock and a hard place: a choice between redundancy or an infeasible and expensive job transfer.

Can you help put pressure on HGS to meet with the workers and their union PCS to find a solution and keep their jobs in Liverpool? Please send an email to the company's COO now.
Liverpool, UK

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