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To: Liz Mossop (Vice Chancellor) and University Board of Governors, Sheffield Hallam University

Say NO! To Wage Theft at Sheffield Hallam University

GMB, UCU and UNISON  are demanding:

  1. The University implement the final Universities & Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) offer and backdate the pay award.

  2. A union voice in the setting of the University's budgets. 

Why is this important?

Sheffield Hallam University has deferred workers' pay increase for 11 months and will NOT backdate pay. This decision will cost many University workers over £1,000. In effect, the University Executive Board (UEB) is pinching from the pockets of the workers to pay for their financial mismanagement. We call this wage theft.

Sign our petition to support workers at Sheffield Hallam University and send a clear message to the University Executive Board to pay workers what they are owed and to include trade union voices in setting the University’s budgets.

Trade Unions have suggested alternatives to the financial difficulties faced by the University, but these have been dismissed by UEB, who are more determined to push on with vanity projects like their proposed “London Campus”, which is estimated to cost millions.

Earlier this year, we submitted statements of “no confidence” in UEB over their mishandling of University finances and their ramshackle restructure of the service.

Now all the trade unions are demanding that the University implement and backdate the national pay award and sit down with them to agree a budget in the long-term interests of the workers, the University and the Sheffield community. 

Sign our petition if you agree with us and show solidarity with workers at Sheffield Hallam.

While the Vice Chancellor sits on circa £250,000+ per annum, workers are having their pockets pinched.

GMB, UCU and UNISON have formally registered their dispute with the University. Workers should not be asked to pay the price for senior managers' financial mismanagement.

Agree with us? Sign our petition.
Sheffield, UK

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500 signatures reached

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