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To: Martin Hodgson, Chief Executive - East Lancashire NHS Trust

Send a message: Fair pay for scientists now!

East Lancashire NHS Trust must fully honour the agreement reached in 2019. Workers must be paid the uplift and backpay owed to reflect the correct rate for the job and their contracts.

Write to Interim Chief Executive at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Martin Hodgson, demanding he take action.

Why is this important?

Throughout the pandemic, biomedical scientists have been on the frontline of our NHS, analysing patient blood samples and carrying out covid-19 testing.

The workers, who have been on strike since May, are owed staggering amounts of back pay. That starts at several hundred pounds up to as much as £8,000, after managers failed to honour a 2019 agreement to upgrade their pay.

Send a message to Interim Chief Executive at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, Martin Hodgson, demanding he meet with Unite and settle this unnecessary dispute as soon as possible.
Casterton Ave, Burnley BB10 2PQ, UK

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2021-10-09 08:05:38 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2021-10-04 13:32:39 +0100

10 signatures reached