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To: CEO Toby Lewis

Bank Better with RDaSH - NO to NHSP

RDaSH Bank are a vital part of the workforce and should be cared for and valued.
They are entitled to benefit from the same terms and conditions as the colleagues they work with.

We, the undersigned, want to make it clear that we DO NOT want Bank staff to transfer to NHSP, and need to remain in the employment of the Trust that they have served in for many years.

Why is this important?

Bank staff at RDaSH have resisted the move to NHSP for sometime, as opposed to other trusts who have gradually moved onto NHSP over the past few years. Staff forced onto NHSP contracts are now seeing their rights eroded. NHSP have not been awarded the lump sum and members have no way of challenging this. WHY? Because NHSP do not negotiate with trade unions! NHSP is preferred by trusts as it saves the them money, it does this by paying less to the bank staff. So, if you want to do any overtime you will be forced to sign onto NHSP and then get paid less than you would get for your substantive post. Imagine working on bank alongside a colleague on a substantive post, doing the same job but being paid less!

Pay and conditions are protected by keeping the bank contracts with RDaSH, plain and simple!
We need to fight and say no NSHP!

Doncaster, UK

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2023-11-29 18:22:50 +0000

100 signatures reached

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