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  • Save Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club!
    Equity urgently calls on the committee of BGWMC to halt plans to close the doors on drag and cabaret events at the club and pause any plans to sell the venue. We ask that they engage and meet with the community of regular performers and punters to discuss options to preserve BGWMC as a venue that so many value. Equity would be willing to facilitate this, as the trade union for drag and cabaret performers who are at risk of losing vital work and income from these plans.
    11,405 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Forest Picture
  • Please support G4S Security Guards in their fight for fair pay
    Security guards - employed by private outsourcing giant G4S to work at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), are into their third month of strikes because of an on-going dispute over pay. In total, 90 per cent of the guards are now paid just the minimum wage.   The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has shelled out £211 million to G4S since December 2022 – despite staff costs being just £161 million during the same period, a difference of £50 million.   ACAS is attempting to arrange talks to settle the dispute, but both G4S and the DWP are refusing to participate.   G4S refuses to use some of the millions of pounds profit they have banked from Government contracts, instead they are offering guards a pay-freeze and a real terms pay cut.   If G4S can afford to pay for agency staff across the UK to undermine the strikes, then they can afford to resolve the dispute! 
    846 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by GMB NEYH . Picture
  • New Deal for Teachers
    Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world - teachers change lives and build a better world, but teachers were failed by the last government. NASUWT is commited to working with the new Government to make our country the best to grow up in for every child and young person. Children’s lives and futures have been damaged over the last 14 years by a lack of investment in our schools, colleges and wider support services for children and families. More teachers and headteachers are leaving the profession prematurely, whilst targets to train the next generation of teachers have been missed for more than a decade - holding back a generation and damaging our country’s prospects for the future. Our children and young people deserve better.
    83 of 100 Signatures
  • Support your local bank branch
    Support your local bank branch    The Upper Edmonton NatWest branch is a vital part of the local community. Unite the union wants to stop the closure of the bank branch.   The vital services provided by the bank staff must not be lost from our community. From giving customers advice in multiple languages on how to avoid fraud and scams, giving local residents access to cash, and helping people process their benefits payments – the work done in this Natwest bank branch is essential for so many. The residents and local businesses of Upper Edmonton can not afford to lose this crucial local amenity.  
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saba Edwards
  • Say ‘No’ to privatisation of NHS finance functions, putting 84 jobs on the line
    We are NHS staff in the Finance department working in Accounts Payable, Pay Services, Financial Systems, Treasury, VAT Team, Transactional Procurement and Accounts Receivable. We are responsible for 22,000+ NUH staff wages to be paid correctly and on time. We make sure that procurement runs smoothly so all equipment and necessary items for the functioning of the Trust is purchased when needed, and that all trading arrangements are met by honouring the payment of invoices. Every day, we work with teams across the Trust and help our colleagues in other departments to fulfil their financial duties. When our NHS colleagues need support with understanding their pay or pensions, we make meaningful time to explain and advise. In April 2024, the Trust Board told us that we are going to be outsourced to Shared Business Services. Pay Services were told they are going to be transferred by October 2024 with the others to follow by April 2025. We are shocked that the Trust wants to divide us from the rest of our NHS family. We are integral to the NHS and our work cannot be seen as something that can be separated from it. We have been told that after being transferred over to SBS, jobs cuts will ensue, and further redundancies will follow. We are coming together in our union, UNISON, and organising to stop this harmful decision that is not only impacting us but other colleagues, the NHS, and the public. We fear that we are the initial trial of a series of departments to be outsourced in a short-sighted attempt to make NUH’s finances look better at the expense of a publicly owned NHS. We ask our NHS colleagues, patients, and service users to please support our campaign to stop this impulsive attempt at privatisation, putting jobs at risk and services on the line.
    1,537 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Manners
  • Justice for outsourced catering workers at Eurostar
    Eurostar and Rail Gourmet must make their catering workers a pay offer to settle their dispute.
    1,817 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
  • Demand Harrow Road Homelessness Service Stays Out Of Private Hands
    Update: Senior management have confirmed they're selling the site to Lodha, a luxury private developer. Westminster council offered £2m above the guide price and expressed a desire to continue homelessness service provision, but Mungo's decided to prioritise profit over people. Harrow Road Assessment centre, which houses homeless people in Westminster, is being sold to a private developer.  St Mungo’s homelessness charity, who currently own the service, put the site on sale after saying that the upkeep was too expensive, after years of letting the site fall into disrepair.  A private developer taking over the site will inevitably become a residential tower block full of unaffordable flats, without any guarantee of a continuation of a homelessness service. St Mungo’s could choose to sell it directly to another charity or back to the council, which would protect the welfare of those currently accommodated there. Instead, they are prioritising profit over the workers and service users. We, the workers at St Mungo’s, are calling on management to ensure the continuation of a homelessness service by not going ahead with this sale. Sign our petition demanding that Harrow Road remain a homelessness service and stays out of private hands.
    1,002 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Unite @ St Mungo's Picture
  • Stand with Amazon Workers: Demand Fair Treatment and Union Recognition at BHX4!
    Workers at the Amazon warehouse BHX4 in Coventry are sticking together and fighting back.  Management at the BHX4 warehouse is toxic. They treat us like robots, fire us without warning, and don’t care about our well-being. Targets are unrealistic. Working conditions are unsafe. The pressure we’re under makes people collapse from exhaustion. On top of all this, Amazon pays us as little as possible.  We’ve had enough. We’re taking on Amazon and pushing for the power and protection of a recognised union in July with a historic ballot — but we need your support.
    33,217 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Amazon Workers at BHX4
  • You get the environment you pay for
    Dear Secretary of State,  We write as members of PCS EFRA to congratulate you on winning the election. As always, the Civil and Public servants within Defra and its related bodies are prepared to deliver the environmental outcomes set out in your party’s manifesto.   We are also writing to explain that even though we are dedicated to serving the public and working to protect the environment we do have a mandate to take industrial action if needed.  We stand ready to take this step to ensure we are properly equipped to deliver for your government Defra and its related bodies are central to tackling emergencies caused by the climate and a damaged nature. As a sponsoring department for net zero, we are coordinating efforts to transition away from fossil fuels. As overseers of the water sector, we are working with regulators to clean up our rivers and bathing waters. As the frequency of droughts, floods and other disasters increase the Department’s emergency functions will be key in protecting communities and helping them adapt to more unpredictable conditions.  All the while parts of the Defra Group are on the frontline of delivering directly to our communities.  Our members serve the agricultural sector helping them to safeguard our nation’s food supply.  Protect the biosecurity of our nation at our borders.  Preserving the biodiversity or our countryside, shorelines and seas.  Growing and protecting the forests that belong to everyone. Charged with delivering such important agendas, resolving the long-standing degradation of civil servant pay and conditions must be an urgent priority for your government.  In May, 85% of PCS EFRA group members voted to give a mandate for strike action over our national demands including fair pay and a significant shortening of the working week.  After more than a decade of below inflation pay-rises we have suffered a dramatic erosion in our standard of living. Research commissioned by PCS shows that, on pay, the civil service has gone from being an above average employer to well below average. This has accelerated since 2010 with AO and EO grade pay up to 26% and 32% lower in 2023. Civil and public servants in the Defra Group now find themselves nearing the national minimum wage, with 1 in 12 Civil Servants working across Government being forced to use foodbanks.  We hope we can work together so staff are no longer distracted by how they make ends meet and can balance the pressures of modern life alongside delivering the vital work that then whole of Defra Group is charged with.  At such a critical moment, we must ensure that the workforce is equipped to face our collective challenges.  So, while we never want to have to resort to withdrawing our labour, we find ourselves in the position where we are able and prepared to, to achieve fair working conditions for those delivering the new Government’s environmental agenda.  Our negotiators are available for urgent discussions. 
    1,412 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by PCS Efra
  • Stop derecognition at Imperial War Museum!
    On March 6th 2024, the director of Imperial War Museums announced plans to derecognise PCS union. This is an attack on the IWM workers' democratic choice to elect their union. And it will strip workers of their collective bargaining power. We cannot let these plans go ahead. Together with their members, PCS are working to stop this from happening. Can you write to Caro Howell, director-general at Imperial War Museums, to urge her to halt plans for derecognition and preserve workers' voices and rights?
    819 of 1,000 Signatures
  • A Fair Border Force Roster - Now!
    The Heathrow Change Project has been a disaster from start to finish. The new roster, imposed on the 29th April, has forced hundreds of valued, experienced Border Force officers to leave their jobs. Those left behind struggle with longer shifts, inflexible shift-swapping rules, no clarity on booking leave, and no way to work around caring responsibilities. Officers tasked with keeping our borders safe deserve to have their concerns heard. We ask that the senior management team at Heathrow Border Force comes back to the table with PCS, and discusses workable and meaningful changes to the roster.
    828 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Edda Nicolson
  • Lancashire County Council: Regrade and Recognition Now!
    We are Social Care Support Officers who provide essential frontline support to individuals and families across Lancashire County Council.   Working alongside Social Workers and other colleagues in Adult Services, we work above and beyond our pay grades to provide the best outcomes for the people we work with. We are calling on Lancashire County Council to give us the pay, respect, recognition and clear working arrangements we deserve.
    833 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UNISON North West Picture