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To: Dan Jarvis, Sheffield City Region Mayor

Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise: Demand a living wage and sick pay during local lockdown

Enough is enough. Sheffield Needs A Pay Rise is a movement of low wage workers coming together to win a better life.

Sheffield City Region Mayor Dan Jarvis is getting behind us and standing up for better support for workers during local lockdowns.

Now we need him to push for Living Wage sick pay, to keep workers and our communities safe.

Sign the petition to tell Dan Jarvis to keep the pressure on the Government. Don’t give in until we get what we need!

Why is this important?

The Sheffield City Region is the ‘low pay capital’ of the UK and has consistently ranked highly on COVID infection-rate charts.

Now on the brink of a local lockdown, the lives of low wage workers in the city are in turmoil.

This pandemic has shone a light on the people who really keep Sheffield going.

It isn’t the billionaires, the bankers or the CEOs.

It’s the healthcare workers, the carers, the cleaners, the transport workers, the refuse collectors and the fast food workers who feed people. The working class people struggling to get by.

Working conditions in these industries are deteriorating quickly - adequate PPE is not available and social distancing is impossible.

Fast food restaurants, shops and distribution warehouses are becoming epicentres for continuing the spread of the virus, resulting in multiple serious workplace outbreaks.

If low wage workers have to self-isolate, most are forced to rely on Statutory Sick Pay, which is only £95.85 a week. Some won’t even receive that.

Employers are risking the health of our communities by putting workers in the impossible position of choosing between health and paying the bills.

Global corporations like McDonald’s and Amazon have the money to protect workers - but they choose to pay billions in dividends to shareholders instead.
Sheffield, UK

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2020-10-12 14:50:00 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-10-09 20:26:38 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-10-09 18:51:30 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-10-09 16:54:05 +0100

10 signatures reached