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To: Avon Fire and Rescue Authority, CFO Simon Shilton, UK Government

Do not cut 40 firefighters from Avon Fire and Rescue Service

We demand that Avon Fire and Rescue Authority withdraws the proposal by CFO Simon Shilton to cut 40 firefighter posts and reject any proposal that reduces the number of firefighters in Avon Fire and Rescue Service. And that they publicly demand central government restore the funding that has been cut since 2016.

We also ask that our elected representatives:

Put Community Safety before Government set budgets:
Commit to ensuring that our emergency services are adequately staffed to respond to life-critical incidents promptly.

Engage with the Community:
Actively seek our views and listen to our concerns regarding the proposed cuts. Make transparent and informed decisions that put community safety above other factors.

Advocate for Greater Central Government Funding:
Advocate for increased funding from central government to support Avon Fire and Rescue Service and ensure that it remains at full strength now and into the future.

Why is this important?

We, the residents of Bristol, Bath, South Gloucestershire, North and North East Somerset, are profoundly concerned about the proposed cuts to Avon Fire and Rescue Service, which include the elimination of 40 firefighter positions. Cuts that, if implemented, have the potential to severely impact the safety and well-being of our communities and place immense strain on our firefighting resources when responding to life-critical incidents.

We firmly believe that the safety of our community should be an uncompromising priority. Firefighters are our first line of defence against a range of emergencies, and their swift response is critical to saving lives and protecting our property. Reducing their numbers endangers us all.

We urgently call on all our local authorities to allocate the necessary funding to maintain a fully staffed and robust Avon Fire and Rescue Service. However, we also recognise the importance of greater central government funding. Our safety is maintained by the effectiveness of our emergency response, and we also implore MPs nationally to prioritise this essential service.

We firmly believe that a fully staffed and well-equipped Avon Fire and Rescue Service is an essential part of community infrastructure and a fundamental safeguard for us all.
South West England, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2023-12-12 10:46:09 +0000

1700 signatures now and the petition is gathering speed because of tomorrow's rally outisde the fire authority meetings where the cuts and the recent HMI report into the service are on the agenda.

The service are now proposing frontline staff reductions at a time where the ability to respond to emergencies has been deemed inadequate.

Response times are up, lithium battery fires are up and sadly in the UK, fire fatalities are up as well. Has there ever been a worse time to cut firefighters?

2023-10-30 07:32:01 +0000

We have passed 1100 signatures! Thank you for getting this petition off to a flying start. Raising awareness and encouraging locals to tell their councillors and MPs to stop these cuts is the most effective thing you can do to help. Please keep bringing this up with the people you know.

Officials from Avon FBU spoke to a reporter from to Greatest Hits Bristol radio last week, keep an ear out for an article on their news bulletins this Monday (30th).

Keep the faith, keep sharing. Thank you!

2023-10-27 11:07:06 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2023-10-21 10:04:18 +0100

500 signatures reached

2023-10-20 15:15:16 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-10-20 14:54:21 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-10-20 14:47:34 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-10-20 14:41:09 +0100

10 signatures reached