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To: Businesses, politicians and industry representatives

Help support the NUJ's recovery plan for the news industry

In a matter of weeks, the Covid-19 crisis has transformed life as we knew it.

Across the spectrum of essential public services, journalists and media workers are working around the clock to ensure the public has access to timely, reliable and accurate information. NUJ members are determined to reflect the impact of the coronavirus on the communities they serve.

During uncertain times the value of proper journalism, impartial news and trusted editorial content, is clearer than ever. But the economic shockwaves of lockdown is pushing many companies, big and small, to the brink – jeopardising the livelihoods of staff and freelance reporters and photographers and causing damage that could be irreparable.

When life-saving news and information is vital, some newspapers are furloughing editorial staff and cutting the pay of journalists working flat out on behalf of their communities.

Why is this important?

Journalists – whether they are staff or freelance – need to be valued and their livelihoods protected.

Targeted measures aimed at supporting quality journalism and bolstering independent, diverse, ethically-produced content are urgently needed.

Covid-19 has demonstrated just how important credible, trusted news and information is, and NUJ members will play a vital role in reflecting and shaping the recovery yet to come.

But this is not and cannot be about the preservation of the status quo. Journalists are not seeking handouts or compensation for the industry – we are looking for investment in our future to transform the news industry, make it fit for our collective purpose and truly serve the public good.

Pledge your support today for the NUJ's recovery plan to create a news industry reimagined.

Download the full plan from the NUJ website -




2020-05-12 15:23:54 +0100

The NUJ Oxford branch has published a piece showcasing the many important ways that journalists at the Oxford Mail have supported its readers through their COVID-related coverage -

2020-04-18 06:02:04 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-04-17 17:38:16 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-04-17 15:37:43 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-17 12:06:03 +0100

10 signatures reached

2020-04-17 10:09:57 +0100

The union is asking NUJ members and friends to contact local, regional and national politicians in the UK and Ireland about the NUJ's News Recovery Plan.
There is a template letter available for you to use -

2020-04-17 10:08:18 +0100

The NUJ's News Recovery Plan - From Health Crisis to Good News
The plan contains a range of measures on how to tackle the immediate crisis but also transform the news sector into one firmly focussed on journalism for the public good.
Download the full plan from the NUJ website -