• Trade Union discrimination!
    This campaign highlights the ongoing discrimination and victimisation in the private sector!
    439 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Menderowicz-Richards Picture
  • Fair pay for NHS pandemic heroes working at Whiston Hospital
    The staff involved are merely asking for equal pay which on principle is only fair. The NHS workers consciously doubled up on all out of hour shifts during the pandemic to ensure the public and those within the local area were kept safe. The testing they still do is a continuation of their commitment to their roles and supporting the public. Those involved have all struggled with the public through the recent inflationary rises and longstanding pay deficits imposed by the government and the decision to not offer an equal payment to the staff has impacted them more so as a result. Please sign the petition to show both your support for the NHS pandemic heroes and show your disdain around a management decision to not include the staff involved.
    356 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Imra Akra
  • Demand a pay rise for catering workers at Drax Power Station
    Unite members working in catering for BaxterStorey at Drax Power Station are taking strike action in their fight for a pay rise, and they need your support. These workers, 95% of whom are women, are struggling to make ends meet. They are single mothers and grandmothers who are having to car share to save on fuel costs, work second jobs to pay their bills, and one member whose husband passed away in December has been unable to afford to pay for a funeral. The total value of a 50p per hour increase for all workers in the catering team would be just £15,314– this is peanuts for a company like Drax Power Station. The latest accounts for both companies show that Drax made £731 million in profits while BaxterStorey made £25 million in profits. Drax’s CEO Will Gardiner saw his pay package increase by £2.2 million to £5.4 million per year. Despite burning money like it’s old-growth forest when it comes to pay for executives, Drax are refusing to negotiate on the hourly rate for the workers who feed their employees. Instead, Drax have engaged in union-busting behaviour by banning the workers' Unite official from site, and preventing meetings from taking place between the workers and their union official.
    5,339 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Rawlinson
  • Save Hackney's Children's Centres
    High-quality, affordable childcare is critical to children’s development, especially the most vulnerable, and 0-3 years is where the biggest impact can be made on outcomes for children. Disadvantaged children benefit significantly from good quality preschool experiences, especially when they are educated with a mixture of children from different social and economic backgrounds - research has shown that this helps close the gap between them and their peers. This is particularly significant in Hackney, where there is a 43% child poverty rate, 10% higher than the London average. These cuts will hurt these children most and disadvantage minority groups. Closing these Children's Centre nurseries will result in the loss of 200 full-time, all-year, affordable childcare places to Hackney families. This is a 33% cut of subsidised nursery places in Hackney. The closures will disproportionately affect vulnerable children, lower-income families, women, single parents, and people of the Global Majority. Childcare costs are a driver of poverty and access to affordable childcare is essential for the wellbeing of working families. We want to protect the jobs of dedicated staff, many of whom also live in Hackney. We’re looking at over 40 staff (including support staff) over the two centres proposed for closure alone. Almost all staff are women and many are people of the Global Majority. We believe that more Children's Centre closures will follow as budgets are squeezed further and Hackney Council continue to make cuts to vital services. Children’s Centres provide vital support and services to local families and we must fight to keep them open! No Children’s Centre nursery closures! No cuts to affordable childcare!
    1,510 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Hackney UNISON branch Picture
  • Please ensure a nursery for the children of staff in Abbey Wood
    Abbey Wood Nursery is a key benefit for working in DE&S and SDA and its closure will negatively impact every team in Abbey Wood. Withdrawal of nursery provision at Abbey Wood: * Undermines future recruitment, making us less attractive to new talent. * Undermines staff who have families now or may in future, as well as those who work with such people - which is nearly everyone. * Reduces productivity of DE&S and SDA staff. * Disproportionately impacts women. Staff Engagement Networks and Trades Unions report that their members are opposed to closure of the Abbey Wood nursery which is a backward step for Abbey Wood and Defence.
    396 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Dalgleish
  • GMB Asda Pay Justice
    Equal pay in ASDA matters because it is a glaring injustice and subjects women and families to lives of entrenched poverty and opportunity gaps.
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Maughan Picture
  • Pay Fair for Patient Care – support Mid Cheshire Healthcare Assistants
    Hundreds of nursing support staff at Mid Cheshire hospitals have been working above their pay grade for years. We are calling on their trust to pay them the wage they deserve and to award back-pay for years of underpayment.
    687 of 800 Signatures
    Created by UNISON North West
  • Trouble brewing at tea giant Tata Global
    These workers deserve fair pay for skilled work and an end to real terms pay cuts, their quality of life has been eroded over time, this needs to change for the workers, their families and for the future of decent paid jobs in Teeside.
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Maughan
  • Pay Fair for Patient Care – support Wirral’s clinical support workers
    Add your name to this petition in support of Wirral University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Clinical Support Workers in their campaign for fair pay and recognition.
    3,446 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by UNISON North West
  • Support the 13th Note workers!
    For too long hospitality workers have been subject to abusive, hyper-exploitative, unsafe and insecure working conditions. Workers at the 13th Note, represented by Unite Hospitality, are part of a sector-wide upsurge in union activity to tackle these problems and achieve decent and dignified jobs. We stand with our friends in other unions, such as the IWW, who also play a crucial role in organising our sector, seen recently in the Saramago dispute. We struggle not solely for ourselves but for the survival of the arts, cultural and live music scenes which are facilitated by our labour. Hospitality is a key component of social life in this country and we deserve to be properly compensated for our role in that.
    5,816 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by the 13th Note Workers
  • Stop the cuts to Support staff wages
    Schools Support staff are vital to the running of our Schools and the education our Children. We believe the success of our School and the education they provide will be badly affected by these proposals. School Support staff are some of the lowest paid staff in Schools and proposals to cut their wages in the middle of a cost of living crisis is harsh and wrong.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Mitchell
  • Stronger legal rights to flexible working
    Four out of five workers want to work flexibly and 92 per cent of mums who worked flexibly told us they would find it difficult or impossible to do their job without it. But current flexible working rights are way too limited – workers only have the right to request flexibility after 6 months in the job. Employers can turn down requests for a huge range of reasons – one in three requests for flexible working are turned down. So far, the government has failed to act, and its consultation on flexible working last year proposed making the right to request a day one right, but this is tinkering round the edges of a failed policy. People who need to work flexibly ­ - mums, dads, carers, disabled workers, older workers - need to know whether flexibility is available before they even apply for the job. A day one right to ask would mean having to ask at interview or one your first day in the job, and loads of people won't feel comfortable doing this for fear of rejection or being seen as 'awkward' by their employer. That’s why employers must be legally required to include flexible working options in job adverts and everyone needs the right to have flexible working, not just to ask. Secretary of State for Business, Kwasi Kwarteng, sets the rules here. He could bring legislation to build up our rights to flexible work. We’re calling on him to help make work more flexible for everyone.
    20,895 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by The TUC and Mother Pukka