• Bring London's Tube Cleaners in-house
    London’s 2,000 Underground cleaners worked heroically throughout the pandemic and they deserve better than to be outsourced to a US company that holds down their pay, pays no sick pay and gives them no pension scheme, while it making more than £14 million in profit during the pandemic. Wherever Labour is in power it should be working to end the scourge of outsourcing, which creates low pay, two-tier workforces and reinforces inequality. The campaign to insource these cleaners has won support from across the labour movement including the TUC, the London Labour Regional Executive, the Labour Group in the London Assembly, 11 London Labour MPs, 9 London Labour peers and more than 200 London Labour Councillors. In April this year, the Mayor has promised to review this contract again. With your help we can persuade him to end the scourge of outsourcing on the Tube and commit to bring these cleaners in-house.
    4,388 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
  • Warburton's - possibly sacking staff for protecting their Health and Safety?
    Everyone has the right to a safe environment at their place of work. Drivers who are lone, mobile workers, whose environment changes regularly and sometimes rapidly, should have the confidence to adapt and have the support of their employer in making those decisions
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Menderowicz-Richards Picture
  • Reinstate the Arrow XL drivers and Pay the Rate
    With the cost-of-living-crisis, Arrow XL drivers and their families are struggling to pay their rent, mortgages and general household bills on the poor wages they receive and instead of Arrow XL management negotiating, they have decided to attack its’ loyal workforce by sacking two of our members who were on strike. It's time for Arrow XL to enter into meaningful negotiations with their drivers and their union, Unite about their pay claim and they must re-instate the sacked workers with immediate effect.
    454 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Claire Peden
  • We support Amazon workers
    These workers deserve a decent pay rise and the hugely profitable Amazon can afford to give it to them. They worked all through the pandemic, risking their lives keeping households stocked with essentials and dispensing goods that got us through the Covid restrictions. Amazon workers are expected to meet punishing targets day in, day out, and face intrusive monitoring of their performance. Many workers cannot keep up with the spiralling costs of food, energy and petrol. The latest insulting pay offer is the last straw. The company only want to give their workers an extra 35p an hour – nowhere near enough to cover the bills. In August 2022, protests broke out in Amazon sites across the UK. Amazon workers are standing up to these corporate bullies. These workers know that Amazon will try to stop them from coming together. But they’re not going to let that deter them. We need to stand up alongside them. We need to send a message to Amazon workers across the UK: we support you! Add your name and show Amazon workers that they have got our support all the way!
    12,343 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Amazon Workers Support Group
  • Stop the cuts to Support staff wages
    Schools Support staff are vital to the running of our Schools and the education our Children. We believe the success of our School and the education they provide will be badly affected by these proposals. School Support staff are some of the lowest paid staff in Schools and proposals to cut their wages in the middle of a cost of living crisis is harsh and wrong.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Mitchell
  • Defend the Triple Lock
    On 17 November, the government will announce in its autumn statement whether it will reinstate the state pension triple lock for 2023. The triple lock rules that the state pension must rise in line with whichever is highest of inflation, average earnings or 2.5%. The Prime Minister has previously refused to commit to reinstating the triple lock. For 2022, the triple lock was suspended meaning that the state pension rise of 3.1% in April was quickly overtaken by inflation which at that point was already at 11%. The cost of living crisis is really a cost of greed crisis. Profiteering energy companies are driving up energy bills and driving more people into poverty. Older people spend a larger proportion of their fixed income on energy bills, meaning more of Unite's retired members will be forced into an impossible choice - between heating or eating. We are calling on the Prime Minister to do the right thing by our retired members and reinstate the triple lock. *** Join Unite in the fight for dignity in retirement, through Retired Members Plus membership. Join here: https://join.unitetheunion.org/ *** *** You can also write to your MP using the National Pensioner Convention's (NPC) template letter, here: https://www.npcuk.org/post/write-to-your-mp-to-save-the-triple-lock ***
    20,207 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Josh Berlyne Picture
  • Pay Parity for OCS Staff!
    OCS staff at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust do the same job as their NHS colleagues but their terms and conditions are substantially worse. They don't get enhancements or overtime rates. Sign this letter now to send a message to the trust board that they deserve full parity with NHS staff.
    11 of 100 Signatures
  • Take Merseyside's Buses Back Under Public Control
    Our bus services are broken. But they could be world-class. The Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor has the power to fix our buses by bringing them back into public control. Right now, private bus companies do what they like, dictating prices, routes, and timetables. You’ve seen the results: catastrophic cuts, skyrocketing fares, and buses that never turn up on time. It’s not just a bad deal for passengers — drivers are overworked and underpaid, leaving the bus companies struggling to run a reliable service as staff shortages bite. No wonder our drivers are sometimes forced to go on strike! Public control would mean affordable fares and more frequent buses. All with a smart ticket where daily spending is capped. And why not? It’s what they have in London! It would also put staff pay and conditions in public control, delivering a better deal for drivers and more reliable buses for you. Local politicians are there to represent YOU! Let them know you think buses should be in public control.
    1,742 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Better Buses Picture
  • Stop the Cuts and Save South Yorkshire’s Buses
    The Problem - The public paid millions to keep buses going during COVID. - That funding ends October 5th: 1 in 3 services could be cut! - Cuts could leave just 4 buses across the whole of South Yorkshire after 10pm and no buses in Barnsley after 7pm! The Cause - For decades, private bus companies have been putting short-term profits over the needs of people and planet. - Now our bus network is unsustainable without massive public support. The pandemic has made this even worse. - But even when the public offer to pay private companies to run services, they're now refusing to play their part! The Solution How do they get away with it? The public has almost no say over the network, leaving big business free to call the shots. 1) We need the Government to extend its funding to keep our buses on the road. 2) We need to speed up plans to bring buses into public control, so routes & timetables are set in the public interest. 3) We need a publicly owned operator to make sure essential services get run, even if private operators refuse!
    516 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Better Buses Picture
  • For the sacked! Fair Ferries campaign to end exploitation at sea
    We need a new deal for all workers. We demand stronger collective bargaining rights and an end to exploitative employment practices like fire and rehire.
    1,542 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Kelly
  • Thomas Swan give your hard workers a pay rise!
    Workers at Thomas Swan in Consett have faced attacks on their wages including term's and conditions for a number of years. Thomas Swan employees worked throughout the pandemic placing their loved ones at risk in order to maintain the success of the company. This year with inflation at an all time high and workers struggling to support their families, Thomas Swan have turned their backs! This not only places strain on the workers and their families but the local economy and the future of decent paid jobs in Consett.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Laura Maughan Picture
  • Fix the cost of living crisis
    Working people have been through enough in this pandemic, now we’re being hit with a triple threat: 1. Eye-watering food, petrol and energy bills 2. Hikes to National Insurance and cuts to universal credit 3. Wages that don't keep up with soaring prices With energy prices set to sky-rocket to £2,800 a year in autumn, things are only about to get much worse. Britain’s workers have been dealt a bad deal for far too long. We demand good jobs, good wages and good work. Things won’t get better unless we fight to make them better. That’s why we’re calling on the government to deliver change and a new deal for working people. Please sign and share this petition far and wide!
    1,127 of 2,000 Signatures