Give St Mungo's workers a fair pay riseSt Mungo's is a leading homelessness charity in the UK, with many workers supporting homeless people on the frontline. We've been expected to take larger and increasingly complex caseloads over the past decade, with homelessness and rough sleeping increasing drastically and services cut, whilst our pay has been slashed year-on-year. Now we're saying enough is enough. We've made it clear to senior management that we cannot continue to support vulnerable people in our services when many of us are struggling to afford our own bills. 93% of members that voted in our strike ballot voted to strike and we are planning to strike for 4 weeks to begin with to make our message heard. Contribute to our hardship fund: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/unitesmstrike?utm_term=dkw3jrQzD Keep up-to-date with our campaign: https://twitter.com/SMUnite Use this tool to email our CEO: https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/email-st-mungo-s-to-demand-fair-pay-for-its-workers14,727 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by St Mungo's workers
Urgent support for rail cleaners, security guards and other outsourced workersThousands of cleaners work on our railways, cleaning trains and stations for Train Operating Companies, Network Rail, TfL and London Underground. These cleaners worked throughout the pandemic and continue to work today to keep our rail services clean and safe. The are joined by security guards, gateline staff and many other essential roles. The vast majority of these workers are outsourced to sub-contractors meaning that they have lower pay, no access to sick pay and pensions and are barred from the same free and discounted travel facilities that are given to many other rail workers. The cost of living crisis has hit these low paid workers hard. Yet the directors of rail companies, whose pay is magnitudes greater than that of cleaners, do receive free travel. The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has recognised the cost of living crisis and has given travel facilities to all outsourced cleaners working for TfL and London Underground, also agreeing to explore bringing cleaning in-house on the Tube. It is time that the Secretary of State followed this example, providing free travel for rail cleaners and other outsourced workers and reviewing their outsourcing contracts with a view to bringing them into direct employment.4,552 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by RMT Union
Email St Mungo's To Demand Fair Pay For Its WorkersSt Mungo's is a leading UK homelessness charity in the UK, with many workers supporting homeless people on the frontline. We've been expected to take larger and increasingly complex caseloads over the past decade, with homelessness and rough sleeping increasing drastically and services cut, whilst our pay has been slashed year- on-year. Now we're saying enough is enough. We've made it clear to senior management that we cannot continue to support vulnerable people in our services when many of us are struggling to afford our own bills. 93% of members that voted in our strike ballot voted to strike and we are planning to strike for 4 weeks to begin with to make our message heard. Contribute to our hardship fund: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/unitesmstrike?utm_term=dkw3jrQzD Keep up-to-date with our campaign: https://twitter.com/SMUnite Sign our petition: https://www.megaphone.org.uk/petitions/give-the-st-mungo-s-workers-a-fair-pay-rise2,325 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Unite @ St Mungo's
Support the 13th Note workers!For too long hospitality workers have been subject to abusive, hyper-exploitative, unsafe and insecure working conditions. Workers at the 13th Note, represented by Unite Hospitality, are part of a sector-wide upsurge in union activity to tackle these problems and achieve decent and dignified jobs. We stand with our friends in other unions, such as the IWW, who also play a crucial role in organising our sector, seen recently in the Saramago dispute. We struggle not solely for ourselves but for the survival of the arts, cultural and live music scenes which are facilitated by our labour. Hospitality is a key component of social life in this country and we deserve to be properly compensated for our role in that.5,819 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by the 13th Note Workers
Save jobs and stop outsourcing at London South Bank UniversityThe redundancies on the table at LSBU cut across areas crucial to the University's operations and the support offered to students, including Libraries, IT, Student Operations, Estates and Facilities, Finance, Alumni and Development, and Research, Enterprise and Innovation. Many areas have already experienced repeated rounds of cuts and restructures over the past several years and continuing to cut staff and outsource staff to private contractors is both wrong and ineffective. LSBU wants to make staff redundant from mid-June and outsource Customer Care Officers and the Estates Service Desk team by August. Instead of rushing through changes that will lead to unemployment, outsourcing and financial and mental health crises for staff, LSBU's Executive and the Board of Governors should withdraw the current proposals and talk to UNISON and LSBU's other trade unions without this hanging over people's heads. Many staff at risk of redundancy have years, if not decades of expertise, and losing this will only be negative for student's education and experience of LSBU. Support staff make so much of what LSBU does possible. A tiny list, taken from across the University, includes: Keeping the IT systems running and ensuring the virtual learning and working environment functions every day; uploading and making available course marks; organising exams and handling extenuating circumstances claims; supporting students with attendance; giving students crucial advice about all aspects of their life at LSBU; finding library books; accessing e-books; providing guidance and training on how to use a huge variety of computer programs and applications; teaching students how to reference for essays and assignments; handling payments and invoices and staff payslips; making student placements possible; building a relationship with alumni and fundraising with alumni to help support current students; building relationships between businesses and LSBU and supporting research and innovation at the University. Making sure that staff are not made compulsorily redundant and not outsourced is about protecting LSBU, defending the education and attainment of students, and making sure that the staff, who do so much for colleagues and students, have secure employment and can get on with their jobs rather than worrying about their futures. Please add your name to the petition in support of UNISON's campaign against job cuts and outsourcing at LSBU! * This petition is posted on behalf of London South Bank University UNISON Branch3,723 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Buckner
Pizza Express: Give us back our hours!Pizza Express may not care about their workforce but they certainly care about the future custom of the general public. If you believe that Pizza Express should abandon attempts to cut lunchtime hours, please sign, share and make your voice heard. Once you've signed, take a look here for more ways to get involved: https://linktr.ee/peunited5,662 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Unite Hospitality
Fair Pay for Saica Paper WorkersEverybody is struggling with what's going on in this country at the moment. The 'Cost of Living Crisis' is forcing so many people into debt & poverty. Spiralling energy costs, high interest rates, fuel costs & the rocketing price of food is crippling millions. Something has to change.58 of 100 SignaturesCreated by PM11 Operator
Take West of England Buses Into Public ControlCurrently: local authorities have no control over commercial bus services.This means bus companies do what they like, dictating prices, routes, and timetables. This means: routes have been cut, unreliable services, skyrocketing fares, and poor working conditions for drivers. Public control can deliver the network you deserve that is run: where you need it — meaning profits from busy routes can be used to subsidize less busy but needed services. when you need it — meaning new minimum standards on reliability and sensible timetables, with penalities for letting passengers down. how you need it — meaning a single set of affordable, integrated tickets that work on all buses and vehicles that are accessible for all. What CAN be done: Dan Norris, the West of England Combined Authority mayor and council leaders from Bristol, South Gloucestershire and B&NES have the power to bring your buses into public control. Politicians are there to represent YOU! Let them know you think buses should be in public control. What WILL be done We will deliver this petition to WECA and council leaders to demonstrate that communities across the West of England want our leaders to use their power to regulate and bring buses into public control. Who is Behind This? Environmental groups, charities, and trade unions from across the West of England are backing the call for public control of buses. All three councils have made statements in support of public control being investigated JOIN US! Find out more about how to get involved here: https://westact.org/reclaim-our-buses4,124 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Emilia Melville
Don't give, then take! Stop the 5% price increase to parking etc @ Sheffield Teaching HospitalsThis was a cynical move, released on a bank holiday weekend to hide the obvious uncosted price hike, hits the lowest paid trust employees the hardest. Support your hard working NHS staff! Don't give with one hand and take back with the other!1,233 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Nigel Bakewell
Allow trade unions to vote using online ballotsAt the moment unions must send a ballot by post to every member’s house, which is then posted back. That’s expensive, time consuming and excludes many members from having their say. It discriminates against younger members who are more likely to move house so their ballot is posted to an old address, as well as workers who work away from home for long periods such as pilots or sailors. The government’s own review found that some disabled people, such as those with sight or mobility restrictions, are “substantially disadvantaged” by postal balloting. Many unions already use online ballots to consult their members on issues such as pay offers and potential strike action. It’s also supported by the public: when polled, 53% of Britons said that trade unions should be able to use online balloting, and only 1 in 5 said it wasn’t appropriate. The Conservative Government commissioned a review into electronic voting which reported in December 2017. It concluded that pilots of electronic ballots should be started in trade unions. Shockingly, the government has said absolutely nothing since Sir Ken Knight’s report was published almost five and a half years later. It’s simply not right that this Conservative Government allows its own members to vote for their leader and Prime Minister by online ballot, but does not allow trade unions to do the same. Sign this petition and we can bring union balloting into the twenty first century.4,787 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by NASUWT - The Teachers' Union
Resist the cuts to arts funding in Northern IrelandArts and culture jobs in Northern Ireland are at risk. The Department for Communities has formally advised Arts Council Northern Ireland that it faces a funding reduction, translating to a 10% cut to all funded arts organisations in North Ireland. This means that planned performances and community projects are already at risk. This decision would be made without democratic scrutiny, whilst Stormont isn't sitting. The evidence is clear that investing in the arts boosts the economy, supports mental health, physical health, social wellbeing, and community cohesion. And in a cost of living crisis, this is a deep cut. We need more investment not less. Sign this petition to call on the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Communities to reverse this proposal.12,616 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Gareth Forest
Save Live Theatre at the Exchange TheatreNorth Tyneside Council has decided to 'appoint a new preferred provider' for the Exchange building in North Shields. That means a private company will be taking over the space, and the Exchange theatre charity will be evicted by 17 April, putting live theatre in North Shields at risk, and depriving Equity members of local work. This is a purely commercial decision, and does not represent a real investment in the cultural value to the local community. This is a shocking failure of leadership by the Mayor and local council. We're demanding that Mayor Redfearn and North Tyneside Council ensure there is no sudden eviction and commit to keeping live theatre at the exchange by making this a condition of the lease agreement with the new operator. We want to ensure that the people of North Shields don't lose a live theatre venue in the heart of their community, and that it continues to provide good quality jobs for local Equity members, on Equity agreed contracts. Sign our petition to demand Mayor Redfearn and North Tyneside Council do the right thing and Save Live Theatre at the Exchange Theatre.1,169 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Gareth Forest