Stand with Amazon Workers: Demand Fair Treatment and Union Recognition at BHX4!A YES vote in the ballot would lead to us winning the power and protection of a union. It would be the first ever agreement of its kind with Amazon in the UK. Union recognition would mean we have much more power to negotiate our pay, hours, conditions and crucially our safety. But Amazon is doing everything they can to stop us. Posters telling us to cancel union membership. Intimidation from supervisors. Brainwashing meetings encouraging workers to vote against union recognition. Amazon wants this issue to go away quietly, but we won’t back down. It’s a David v Goliath battle. We may not have Amazon’s money, but we have the union movement behind us. The more people who sign this petition, the more we show Amazon that everyone in the country is on our side. Can you sign this petition to show Amazon that people across the UK are backing us?33,743 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Amazon Workers at BHX4
You get the environment you pay forYou can only win a fair pay deal collectively, by showing your strength of feeling and willingness to take action.Â1,417 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by PCS Efra
Stop derecognition at Imperial War Museum!PCS has played a vital role in advocating for the rights and interests of employees at IWM for many years. Derecognising PCS union could lead to worsened working conditions. It would not only strip employees of their collective bargaining power but also undermine the principles of democracy and representation in the workplace. 80% of the workers voted for union recognition - IWM management's decision to derecognise two of the three unions in the workplace undermines the workers' freedom to choose which union they want to represent them. Union recognition is a vital right at work, enabling employees and employers to negotiate in the workplace, fairly and in good faith. That can't happen if the employer just decides to change the rules when it suits them. The staff team at Imperial War Museum sites around the country have shown loyalty and dedication to their mission, enabling people to have an informed understanding of modern war and its impact on individuals and society. Please help them stand up for their important employment rights.831 of 1,000 Signatures
A Fair Border Force Roster - Now!Border Force Officers at Heathrow are responsible for admitting travellers into the country, and for detecting and preventing possible security risks. Their experience and expertise is vital to the security of our borders. In order to perform this vital role, Border Force Officers need a shift roster that gives them a healthy work/life balance, allows them to perform their duties to their full potential without being exhausted by long shifts, stops them worrying about finding short-notice childcare, or struggling to work around their medical needs. We need your support in sending a loud and clear message to senior managers at Heathrow: Border Force officers deserve a fair roster.832 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Edda Nicolson
Lancashire County Council: Regrade and Recognition Now!Over time we have seen a substantial change in our job role. The cases we handle are far more complex and challenging as services user needs have changed. We are now handling cases that can include severe mental health, neglect, abuse, exploitation and other situations which previously were exclusively dealt with by Social Workers. Lancashire County Council found the majority of Social Care Support Officers to be working at a higher grade, but our regrading did not result in our grade increasing. The service will simply not survive if skilled and dedicated workers are forced to leave because of low pay and lack of recognition for our work.1,064 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by UNISON North West
Bring the 13th Note under workers' ownership!The Glaswegian Hospitality sector is renown for its poverty pay, precarious working conditions and habitual breaches of health and safety. Workers are often treated with a lack of respect and consideration by employers. In the wake of our industrial dispute against such conditions, a worker-owned 13th Note could provide a concrete example to workers and employers that our sector is not incompatible with fair pay and fair work. We will ensure good working conditions for all 13th Note staff through a commitment to Unite Hospitality's 10-point charter. We aim not solely to reopen the 13th Note for ourselves, but for the arts, cultural and social scenes which it has fostered and will continue to nourish in the future. P.S. We estimate that it will cost us around ÂŁ40k to completely revamp the venue and make it fit for unionised workers and discerning customers. We have already raised ÂŁ10k but you can support us by donating here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/support-the-13th-note-workers4,511 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by the 13th Note Workers
Whitbread: Stop the job cuts!Whitbread may not care about their workforce but they certainly care about the future custom of the general public. If you believe that Whitbread should stop these jobs cuts and consult with Unite, please sign, share and make your voice heard!9,109 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Unite Hospitality
Protect Welsh National OperaWe are the orchestra of Welsh National Opera. Our company was founded by miners, teachers, doctors and others who wanted a national opera company rooted in Wales’ rich musical heritage. Management is being forced to consider making us part-time and cutting our pay by 15%. WNO will also have to cut down on touring, risking leaving towns and cities like Llandudno and Bristol without the high-quality opera provision they deserve. This isn’t an exaggeration – back in 2022, WNO announced that it will no longer be able to tour to Liverpool due to arts funding cuts and the need for “budget efficiencies.” The future of opera in Wales and England must not be low paid jobs, insecure contracts, and access only for those who can afford it. These cuts must not be allowed to happen on our watch. Sign the petition to protect Welsh National Opera! Pam fod hyn y bwysig? Ni yw cerddorfa Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru. Sefydlwyd ein cwmni gan lowyr, athrawon, doctoriaid ac eraill a oedd eisiau cwmni opera cenedlaethol wedi’i ymwreiddio yn etifeddiaeth gerddorol gyfoethog Cymru. Mae’r rheolwyr yn cael eu gorfodi i ystyried ein cyflogi ni ar sail ran-amser a thorri ein cyflogau 15%. Bydd hefyd rhaid i’r cwmni dorri nifer ei deithiau, gan adael trefi fel Llandudno a Bryste heb y ddarpariaeth opera o ansawdd maent yn eu haeddu. Nid gor-ddweud yw hyn – nôl yn 2022, cyhoeddodd cwmni Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru na fyddai’n gallu teithio i Lerpwl mwyach oherwydd toriadau ariannol yn y celfyddydau, a’r angen am arbedion effeithiolrwydd yn y gyllideb. Ni ddylai dyfodol opera yng Nghymru a Lloegr olygu swyddi sy’n talu cyflogau isel, contractau ansicr, a mynediad dim ond i’r rheiny a all ei fforddio. Rhaid i’r toriadau hyn beidio â digwydd tra ein bod ni wrth y llyw. Llofnodwch y ddeiseb i ddiogelu Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru!14,033 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Orchestra of Welsh National Opera
PAY CARE SECTOR WORKERS THE MISSING MILLIONSThe Social Care Workforce is more than 80% poorly paid women working in care homes, hospitals, community care and personal assistants. In 2023 ÂŁ38 million was stolen by the Scottish Government for the budget for care work in social care. The ÂŁ38m budget was removed without consultation from the terms and conditions working group last September and it took a freedom of information request to flush out it was gone some months later. No transparency, no accountability and worse, no promise of restoring the funding. This is a massive blow to these low paid care sector workers who feel desperately let down by politicians who they put their trust in to deliver for them403 of 500 SignaturesCreated by STUC
Mersey Care NHS workers deserve redundancy payAn NHS trust has closed a site a considerable distance from the rest of its sites. After offering workers the chance to relocate, those who cannot commit to making such a long commute are being threatened with being laid-off without the contractual redundancy pay they're entitled to. They will be made redundant this Easter Sunday without any commitment to any future pay from the trust. The trust should do the right think and make sure these workers are fairly compensated.1,468 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Sam Doherty
Trade Union discrimination!This campaign highlights the ongoing discrimination and victimisation in the private sector!440 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Joanna Menderowicz-Richards
Fair pay for NHS pandemic heroes working at Whiston HospitalThe staff involved are merely asking for equal pay which on principle is only fair. The NHS workers consciously doubled up on all out of hour shifts during the pandemic to ensure the public and those within the local area were kept safe. The testing they still do is a continuation of their commitment to their roles and supporting the public. Those involved have all struggled with the public through the recent inflationary rises and longstanding pay deficits imposed by the government and the decision to not offer an equal payment to the staff has impacted them more so as a result. Please sign the petition to show both your support for the NHS pandemic heroes and show your disdain around a management decision to not include the staff involved.360 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Imra Akra