Cumberland Council: Regrade your Urgent Care Team Workers!GMB members within Cumberland Council's Urgent Care Team, consisting of Approved Mental Health social workers, are at a crucial moment. These professionals are the frontline of mental health care in Cumbria, operating 24/7 to make urgent decisions on potential detentions under the Mental Health Act. Despite their crucial role and the challenging nature of their work, Cumberland Council has denied their request for a job regrading. This refusal undermines the dedication and expertise of the team members who regularly navigate emotionally draining and sometimes dangerous situations. Your support is vital. By signing this petition, you're standing in solidarity with these dedicated professionals and the GMB trade union as they campaign for job regrading. And once you've signed, you can donate to their strike fund here: https://support-cumberland-urgent-care.raiselysite.com/4,437 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by GMB North West & Irish
Return our Kids to Churchill Community College and Call on the DFE to fix our SchoolSchool days were the best days of your life but for these kids it has been stop, start and then move school. They need and education they deserve. They need to enjoy school and be around there peers. This can only be possible if mobile building are on site allowing them to be in their own school grounds The Department for Education must foot the bill for the repairs. Council receives approx £3million for school budgets, to rebuild a school like Churchill Community College will cost approx £25million plus another 3 schools in the borough also need repairing. This will almost inevitably impact on our children in the future as Council and school budgets are all at breaking point.301 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Craig Thompson
HULL CITY COUNCIL: HCAL WORKERS STAND UNITED – DON’T DIVIDE THEMWe are calling on Hull City Council to put this right and to TUPE everyone who works at HCAL back in-house, for the following reasons: • Hull City Council staff currently receive better terms and conditions than HCAL staff. • HCAL is making losses year on year – in 2023 this was reported at £2.2 million. • HCAL staff are all on different terms and conditions – if everyone was transferred back to Hull City Council this would mean contracts would eventually be harmonised. • There is a lack of career development and progression for HCAL staff. • And there is a lack of communication when advertising cold water swimming, which left staff stressed and anxious. Please support our campaign to get everyone in HCAL transferred back in house.84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by GMB NEYH .
Hinduja Global Services: Protect our jobs in Liverpool!Just last year, these workers successfully fought for and won a 10% pay rise to recognise the excellent work they do. Now this same group of workers are caught between a rock and a hard place: a choice between redundancy or an infeasible and expensive job transfer. Can you help put pressure on HGS to meet with the workers and their union PCS to find a solution and keep their jobs in Liverpool? Please send an email to the company's COO now.392 of 400 Signatures
Sick Pay for Catering staff at Sussex University!Chartwells staff at Sussex University are currently the ONLY workers on campus who have to operate on completely inadequate Statutory Sick Pay. This means when they're poorly, they are having to choose between staying home (and struggling to pay their bills) or coming to work when they're ill (in a food safe environment). *We demand Sick Pay that matches pay and is paid from the first day of illness! *They are NOT second class citizens! *This is NOT in line with the Sussex University values of Kindness, Integrity, Inclusion, Collaboration and Courage! Show your support440 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Reynolds
Save Byron Court Primary School - Stop the Forced Academisation🢜 Ensure an equal, non-selective environment with a focus on the whole child, an approach that doesn't achieve academic excellence or good behaviour by excluding children or making them scared to be in school 🢜 Give a say to those that it will impact most - the staff, the families, the local community 🢜 Stop the privatisation of our children's education HOW ELSE CAN YOU HELP? Write to your local councillors: https://bit.ly/BrentCounc Write to Barry Gardiner MP: [email protected] Follow us: https://twitter.com/savebyroncourt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savebyroncourt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/savebyroncourt Donate to our Campaign fundraising page: https://gofund.me/c696a9202,203 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Save Byron Court
P&O Ferries' jobs massacre second anniversary: Never again!We must prevent a repeat of the P&O Ferries scandal. The Government has failed to introduce the reforms required to end the undercutting of other ferry operators on international short sea routes from UK ports which would prevent a repeat of this scandalous attack on UK seafarers and on the sovereignty of UK employment law.53,216 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Nautilus and RMT
National Museums Liverpool: Pay the £1,500 cost-of-living payment you owePCS members are having to take strike action to try and secure vital cost of living payments for all staff across National Museums Liverpool. Nobody wants to have to go on strike, but National Museums Liverpool (NML) are refusing to pay £1500 cost of living payment, and we are asking for your support and understanding that it is time to show the museums that it’s time they paid up! While museum bosses take home thousands of pounds a month, many of our lowest paid workers in this museum are choosing whether they should heat their homes or eat nutritious meals. That isn’t right. As people passionate about the culture, heritage, and story of this city and the fabulous collections we keep we deserve more than the basics for survival, we deserve to thrive, not merely survive. NML needs to find the money to pay its staff a fair wage, and to pay them the £1500 they are owed, and they deserve. Please show your support for the hard-working staff by writing to Sir David Henshaw, Chairman of the Board at National Museums Liverpool1,982 of 2,000 Signatures
Urgent support needed for sub-contracted track maintenance workers on the TubeLondon Underground employs hundreds of essential track workers on London’s iconic tube network through private contractors. These workers should be directly employed by London Underground, like other Tube maintenance workers, but instead London Underground has sub-contracted them through private companies who seek to make a profit from the contracts, meaning that the workers pay is kept low and they don’t get proper sick pay, pensions or holiday. Responding to a recent survey, 75% of these workers told RMT that they struggle to make ends meet, meaning that they sit by the phone waiting for work and feel obliged to accept any offers they get. The precariousness of their employment also means that they feel under pressure not to do anything that may jeopardise future work. Two thirds reported to us that they would be worried about reporting safety concerns for this reason. The private companies have made profits in excess of £30 million in the last five years. Now London Underground is re-tendering this work and will sign new contracts in March this year. RMT is concerned that it is looking to award to the cheapest bidder, which will lead to cuts in pay and hours for these workers. RMT is calling on the Mayor and the TfL Commissioner to bring these workers into direct employment with London Underground and, in the immediate term, confirm that there will be no detriment to staff and that all earnings and hours will be protected as part of the tendering. There must be no race to the bottom on the Tube.3,146 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by RMT Union
Demand a pay rise for catering workers at Drax Power StationUnite members working in catering for BaxterStorey at Drax Power Station are taking strike action in their fight for a pay rise, and they need your support. These workers, 95% of whom are women, are struggling to make ends meet. They are single mothers and grandmothers who are having to car share to save on fuel costs, work second jobs to pay their bills, and one member whose husband passed away in December has been unable to afford to pay for a funeral. The total value of a 50p per hour increase for all workers in the catering team would be just £15,314– this is peanuts for a company like Drax Power Station. The latest accounts for both companies show that Drax made £731 million in profits while BaxterStorey made £25 million in profits. Drax’s CEO Will Gardiner saw his pay package increase by £2.2 million to £5.4 million per year. Despite burning money like it’s old-growth forest when it comes to pay for executives, Drax are refusing to negotiate on the hourly rate for the workers who feed their employees. Instead, Drax have engaged in union-busting behaviour by banning the workers' Unite official from site, and preventing meetings from taking place between the workers and their union official.5,339 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Chris Rawlinson
Save Hackney's Children's CentresHigh-quality, affordable childcare is critical to children’s development, especially the most vulnerable, and 0-3 years is where the biggest impact can be made on outcomes for children. Disadvantaged children benefit significantly from good quality preschool experiences, especially when they are educated with a mixture of children from different social and economic backgrounds - research has shown that this helps close the gap between them and their peers. This is particularly significant in Hackney, where there is a 43% child poverty rate, 10% higher than the London average. These cuts will hurt these children most and disadvantage minority groups. Closing these Children's Centre nurseries will result in the loss of 200 full-time, all-year, affordable childcare places to Hackney families. This is a 33% cut of subsidised nursery places in Hackney. The closures will disproportionately affect vulnerable children, lower-income families, women, single parents, and people of the Global Majority. Childcare costs are a driver of poverty and access to affordable childcare is essential for the wellbeing of working families. We want to protect the jobs of dedicated staff, many of whom also live in Hackney. We’re looking at over 40 staff (including support staff) over the two centres proposed for closure alone. Almost all staff are women and many are people of the Global Majority. We believe that more Children's Centre closures will follow as budgets are squeezed further and Hackney Council continue to make cuts to vital services. Children’s Centres provide vital support and services to local families and we must fight to keep them open! No Children’s Centre nursery closures! No cuts to affordable childcare!1,522 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Hackney UNISON branch
Save Our Schools - Stop the £8.2 million cut to Edinburgh SchoolsCutting £8.2m from schools will cause great harm to teaching, learning and wellbeing at a time when our teachers and support staff are, struggling to meet the needs of an ever growing number of pupils with Additional Support Needs, bearing the brunt on a daily basis of dysregulated pupil behaviour and suffering enormously from workload stress and low morale. Pupils that have an ASN need more to be invested in education, not less. But the same is also true of other pupils in their classes whose learning is also affected because teachers are so over-stretched as they struggle to attend to those with the greatest needs. Further cuts to Devolved School Management budgets will erode all kinds of provision. Some Head Teachers may be forced to cut numbers of Pupil Support Assistants, again affecting pupils who most need the support of these vital school workers. Others will cut per capita department budgets affecting which courses will be able to run or that basic essentials such as paper, pens, textbooks and vital resources will be increasingly unavailable. Schools cannot run on iPads alone. Already In some schools the amount of money available to spend per head is less than a pound a week and a great many teachers are buying pens, pencils and other resources for their pupils. The cost of these cuts to Edinburgh schools will be devastating, leading to increased stress and a decline in morale and wellbeing of teachers, support staff and senior leaders. Schools are constantly asked to look at how to raise attainment, how is it possible to do more with less.3,695 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Phill Pearce