• Take West of England Buses Into Public Control
    Currently: local authorities have no control over commercial bus services.This means bus companies do what they like, dictating prices, routes, and timetables. This means: routes have been cut, unreliable services, skyrocketing fares, and poor working conditions for drivers. Public control can deliver the network you deserve that is run: where you need it — meaning profits from busy routes can be used to subsidize less busy but needed services. when you need it — meaning new minimum standards on reliability and sensible timetables, with penalities for letting passengers down. how you need it — meaning a single set of affordable, integrated tickets that work on all buses and vehicles that are accessible for all. What CAN be done: Dan Norris, the West of England Combined Authority mayor and council leaders from Bristol, South Gloucestershire and B&NES have the power to bring your buses into public control. Politicians are there to represent YOU! Let them know you think buses should be in public control. What WILL be done We will deliver this petition to WECA and council leaders to demonstrate that communities across the West of England want our leaders to use their power to regulate and bring buses into public control. Who is Behind This? Environmental groups, charities, and trade unions from across the West of England are backing the call for public control of buses. All three councils have made statements in support of public control being investigated JOIN US! Find out more about how to get involved here: https://westact.org/reclaim-our-buses
    3,900 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Emilia Melville
  • Don't give, then take! Stop the 5% price increase to parking etc @ Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
    This was a cynical move, released on a bank holiday weekend to hide the obvious uncosted price hike, hits the lowest paid trust employees the hardest. Support your hard working NHS staff! Don't give with one hand and take back with the other!
    1,233 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Bakewell
  • Resist the cuts to arts funding in Northern Ireland
    Arts and culture jobs in Northern Ireland are at risk. The Department for Communities has formally advised Arts Council Northern Ireland that it faces a funding reduction, translating to a 10% cut to all funded arts organisations in North Ireland. This means that planned performances and community projects are already at risk. This decision would be made without democratic scrutiny, whilst Stormont isn't sitting. The evidence is clear that investing in the arts boosts the economy, supports mental health, physical health, social wellbeing, and community cohesion. And in a cost of living crisis, this is a deep cut. We need more investment not less. Sign this petition to call on the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Communities to reverse this proposal.
    12,607 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Forest Picture
  • Save Live Theatre at the Exchange Theatre
    North Tyneside Council has decided to 'appoint a new preferred provider' for the Exchange building in North Shields. That means a private company will be taking over the space, and the Exchange theatre charity will be evicted by 17 April, putting live theatre in North Shields at risk, and depriving Equity members of local work. This is a purely commercial decision, and does not represent a real investment in the cultural value to the local community. This is a shocking failure of leadership by the Mayor and local council. We're demanding that Mayor Redfearn and North Tyneside Council ensure there is no sudden eviction and commit to keeping live theatre at the exchange by making this a condition of the lease agreement with the new operator. We want to ensure that the people of North Shields don't lose a live theatre venue in the heart of their community, and that it continues to provide good quality jobs for local Equity members, on Equity agreed contracts. Sign our petition to demand Mayor Redfearn and North Tyneside Council do the right thing and Save Live Theatre at the Exchange Theatre.
    1,169 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Forest Picture
  • Don't raise the state pension age: 68 is too late!
    The government recently indicated it may raise the state pension age for millions of workers aged 44 to 52. Fearing massive defeat in the next general election, the government announced on Thursday 30 March it will delay this decision until the next Parliament. We must still drive home our message to Parliament: workers will not be made to pay for decades of politicians' bad choices. Older people deserve dignity, respect and financial security, now and in the future. The profits of the UK's largest companies are now 89 per cent higher than before the pandemic, but workers are not seeing our fair share. Our life expectancy is no longer rising, our NHS has been cut to the bone, our work doesn't pay, and our workplace pensions have been raided. We will not allow our State Pension to be raided too. Workers create the wealth in this society, and we demand a share of that wealth in our old age. 68 is too late! *** Join Unite in the fight for dignity in retirement. Join here: https://join.unitetheunion.org/ *** *** Join the National Pensioners Convention, the campaigning organisation for older people in the UK here: https://www.npcuk.org/join-the-npc *** *** Join the Scottish Pensioners Forum here: https://scottishpensioners.org.uk/ ***
    44,420 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Josh Berlyne Picture
  • Bring London's Tube Cleaners in-house
    London’s 2,000 Underground cleaners worked heroically throughout the pandemic and they deserve better than to be outsourced to a US company that holds down their pay, pays no sick pay and gives them no pension scheme, while it making more than £14 million in profit during the pandemic. Wherever Labour is in power it should be working to end the scourge of outsourcing, which creates low pay, two-tier workforces and reinforces inequality. The campaign to insource these cleaners has won support from across the labour movement including the TUC, the London Labour Regional Executive, the Labour Group in the London Assembly, 11 London Labour MPs, 9 London Labour peers and more than 200 London Labour Councillors. In April this year, the Mayor has promised to review this contract again. With your help we can persuade him to end the scourge of outsourcing on the Tube and commit to bring these cleaners in-house.
    4,388 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by RMT Union Picture
    Four Unite members, including 1 shop steward, have been sacked by Murphy Intl for what Unite believes is legitimate trade union activities. Between them, they have a combined tenure of50 years. We are facing the worst economic crisis in living human history, with the financial clout that Murphy Intl has to force 4 families to face such uncertainty is wholly unacceptable. Please show your support and demand that Murphy Intl immediately REINSTATE THE MURPHY 4.
    450 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Unite the Union
  • Don't Leave Our 'Heartland Communities' Behind
    Our economy isn’t working for anyone but the wealthiest people and biggest corporations. Workers who have kept our nation running throughout the pandemic are now in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis. Working people didn’t create this mess but we are being asked to pay for it. The truth is, excessive profits are driving inflation, not wages, and working people’s incomes have failed to keep up with soaring inflation. New national Survation data commissioned by Unite the Union, reports that people have been making dramatic changes to the way they shop, with 69% cutting back on purchases and 70% of people saying their income has not increased at all even though inflation is at a record high of 14.2%. This is in real terms a pay cut. Sign the petition now and help build a movement for real change. Join 'Unite for a Workers' Economy' - https://www.unitetheunion.org/campaigns/unite-for-a-workers-economy-campaign/
    864 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Claire Peden, Unite the Union
  • We support Amazon workers
    These workers deserve a decent pay rise and the hugely profitable Amazon can afford to give it to them. They worked all through the pandemic, risking their lives keeping households stocked with essentials and dispensing goods that got us through the Covid restrictions. Amazon workers are expected to meet punishing targets day in, day out, and face intrusive monitoring of their performance. Many workers cannot keep up with the spiralling costs of food, energy and petrol. The latest insulting pay offer is the last straw. The company only want to give their workers an extra 35p an hour – nowhere near enough to cover the bills. In August 2022, protests broke out in Amazon sites across the UK. Amazon workers are standing up to these corporate bullies. These workers know that Amazon will try to stop them from coming together. But they’re not going to let that deter them. We need to stand up alongside them. We need to send a message to Amazon workers across the UK: we support you! Add your name and show Amazon workers that they have got our support all the way!
    12,343 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Amazon Workers Support Group
  • Defend the Triple Lock
    On 17 November, the government will announce in its autumn statement whether it will reinstate the state pension triple lock for 2023. The triple lock rules that the state pension must rise in line with whichever is highest of inflation, average earnings or 2.5%. The Prime Minister has previously refused to commit to reinstating the triple lock. For 2022, the triple lock was suspended meaning that the state pension rise of 3.1% in April was quickly overtaken by inflation which at that point was already at 11%. The cost of living crisis is really a cost of greed crisis. Profiteering energy companies are driving up energy bills and driving more people into poverty. Older people spend a larger proportion of their fixed income on energy bills, meaning more of Unite's retired members will be forced into an impossible choice - between heating or eating. We are calling on the Prime Minister to do the right thing by our retired members and reinstate the triple lock. *** Join Unite in the fight for dignity in retirement, through Retired Members Plus membership. Join here: https://join.unitetheunion.org/ *** *** You can also write to your MP using the National Pensioner Convention's (NPC) template letter, here: https://www.npcuk.org/post/write-to-your-mp-to-save-the-triple-lock ***
    20,207 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Josh Berlyne Picture
  • 🚑 Good will won’t pay the bills - Give our NHS heroes a proper pay rise 🚨
    During the pandemic paramedics, nurses and hospital workers worked to save thousands of lives. People clapped hands and bashed pans weekly to celebrate their contribution. It’s time to make sure they can pay the bills over the winter by giving a decent pay rise.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Dawson Picture
  • Pay Parity for OCS Staff!
    OCS staff at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust do the same job as their NHS colleagues but their terms and conditions are substantially worse. They don't get enhancements or overtime rates. Sign this letter now to send a message to the trust board that they deserve full parity with NHS staff.
    11 of 100 Signatures