Support your local bank branchWe, the undersigned call on NatWest to reverse the decision to close the Upper Edmonton Natwest branch… SAVE OUR BANK BRANCH.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Saba Edwards
Justice for outsourced catering workers at EurostarEurostar claim that “Whether it’s a hearty meal or a light bite, we’re passionate about our food.” But they’re less passionate about fairness for the people who get the food onto their trains. Eurostar has outsourced the supply of food on its services to a company called Rail Gourmet, owned by the travel food multinational SSP Group. SSP made an operating profit of £55 million in the UK over 2023, while the Group paid a £46 million dividend to its shareholders in the same year. Rail Gourmet only pay the London Living Wage of £13.15 an hour and their workers get inadequate sick pay and no decent pension, meaning they live hand to mouth while shareholders profit and Eurostar wash their hands of these essential workers. Rail Gourmet’s Eurostar caterers have had enough and they’re fighting back. They’re campaigning and taking industrial action in pursuit of a decent pay rise, sick pay and pensions. They need your help. Please add your name to this petition to the Directors of Rail Gourmet and Eurostar calling on them to ensure that hard-working catering staff are made a new offer that can settle their dispute.1,825 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by RMT Union
Lancashire County Council: Regrade and Recognition Now!Over time we have seen a substantial change in our job role. The cases we handle are far more complex and challenging as services user needs have changed. We are now handling cases that can include severe mental health, neglect, abuse, exploitation and other situations which previously were exclusively dealt with by Social Workers. Lancashire County Council found the majority of Social Care Support Officers to be working at a higher grade, but our regrading did not result in our grade increasing. The service will simply not survive if skilled and dedicated workers are forced to leave because of low pay and lack of recognition for our work.1,064 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by UNISON North West
Bring the 13th Note under workers' ownership!The Glaswegian Hospitality sector is renown for its poverty pay, precarious working conditions and habitual breaches of health and safety. Workers are often treated with a lack of respect and consideration by employers. In the wake of our industrial dispute against such conditions, a worker-owned 13th Note could provide a concrete example to workers and employers that our sector is not incompatible with fair pay and fair work. We will ensure good working conditions for all 13th Note staff through a commitment to Unite Hospitality's 10-point charter. We aim not solely to reopen the 13th Note for ourselves, but for the arts, cultural and social scenes which it has fostered and will continue to nourish in the future. P.S. We estimate that it will cost us around £40k to completely revamp the venue and make it fit for unionised workers and discerning customers. We have already raised £10k but you can support us by donating here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/support-the-13th-note-workers4,511 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by the 13th Note Workers
Whitbread: Stop the job cuts!Whitbread may not care about their workforce but they certainly care about the future custom of the general public. If you believe that Whitbread should stop these jobs cuts and consult with Unite, please sign, share and make your voice heard!9,109 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Unite Hospitality
Mersey Care NHS workers deserve redundancy payAn NHS trust has closed a site a considerable distance from the rest of its sites. After offering workers the chance to relocate, those who cannot commit to making such a long commute are being threatened with being laid-off without the contractual redundancy pay they're entitled to. They will be made redundant this Easter Sunday without any commitment to any future pay from the trust. The trust should do the right think and make sure these workers are fairly compensated.1,468 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Sam Doherty
Fair pay for NHS pandemic heroes working at Whiston HospitalThe staff involved are merely asking for equal pay which on principle is only fair. The NHS workers consciously doubled up on all out of hour shifts during the pandemic to ensure the public and those within the local area were kept safe. The testing they still do is a continuation of their commitment to their roles and supporting the public. Those involved have all struggled with the public through the recent inflationary rises and longstanding pay deficits imposed by the government and the decision to not offer an equal payment to the staff has impacted them more so as a result. Please sign the petition to show both your support for the NHS pandemic heroes and show your disdain around a management decision to not include the staff involved.360 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Imra Akra
Cumberland Council: Regrade your Urgent Care Team Workers!GMB members within Cumberland Council's Urgent Care Team, consisting of Approved Mental Health social workers, are at a crucial moment. These professionals are the frontline of mental health care in Cumbria, operating 24/7 to make urgent decisions on potential detentions under the Mental Health Act. Despite their crucial role and the challenging nature of their work, Cumberland Council has denied their request for a job regrading. This refusal undermines the dedication and expertise of the team members who regularly navigate emotionally draining and sometimes dangerous situations. Your support is vital. By signing this petition, you're standing in solidarity with these dedicated professionals and the GMB trade union as they campaign for job regrading. And once you've signed, you can donate to their strike fund here: https://support-cumberland-urgent-care.raiselysite.com/4,437 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by GMB North West & Irish
Hinduja Global Services: Protect our jobs in Liverpool!Just last year, these workers successfully fought for and won a 10% pay rise to recognise the excellent work they do. Now this same group of workers are caught between a rock and a hard place: a choice between redundancy or an infeasible and expensive job transfer. Can you help put pressure on HGS to meet with the workers and their union PCS to find a solution and keep their jobs in Liverpool? Please send an email to the company's COO now.392 of 400 Signatures
P&O Ferries' jobs massacre second anniversary: Never again!We must prevent a repeat of the P&O Ferries scandal. The Government has failed to introduce the reforms required to end the undercutting of other ferry operators on international short sea routes from UK ports which would prevent a repeat of this scandalous attack on UK seafarers and on the sovereignty of UK employment law.53,216 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by Nautilus and RMT
National Museums Liverpool: Pay the £1,500 cost-of-living payment you owePCS members are having to take strike action to try and secure vital cost of living payments for all staff across National Museums Liverpool. Nobody wants to have to go on strike, but National Museums Liverpool (NML) are refusing to pay £1500 cost of living payment, and we are asking for your support and understanding that it is time to show the museums that it’s time they paid up! While museum bosses take home thousands of pounds a month, many of our lowest paid workers in this museum are choosing whether they should heat their homes or eat nutritious meals. That isn’t right. As people passionate about the culture, heritage, and story of this city and the fabulous collections we keep we deserve more than the basics for survival, we deserve to thrive, not merely survive. NML needs to find the money to pay its staff a fair wage, and to pay them the £1500 they are owed, and they deserve. Please show your support for the hard-working staff by writing to Sir David Henshaw, Chairman of the Board at National Museums Liverpool1,982 of 2,000 Signatures
Demand a pay rise for catering workers at Drax Power StationUnite members working in catering for BaxterStorey at Drax Power Station are taking strike action in their fight for a pay rise, and they need your support. These workers, 95% of whom are women, are struggling to make ends meet. They are single mothers and grandmothers who are having to car share to save on fuel costs, work second jobs to pay their bills, and one member whose husband passed away in December has been unable to afford to pay for a funeral. The total value of a 50p per hour increase for all workers in the catering team would be just £15,314– this is peanuts for a company like Drax Power Station. The latest accounts for both companies show that Drax made £731 million in profits while BaxterStorey made £25 million in profits. Drax’s CEO Will Gardiner saw his pay package increase by £2.2 million to £5.4 million per year. Despite burning money like it’s old-growth forest when it comes to pay for executives, Drax are refusing to negotiate on the hourly rate for the workers who feed their employees. Instead, Drax have engaged in union-busting behaviour by banning the workers' Unite official from site, and preventing meetings from taking place between the workers and their union official.5,339 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Chris Rawlinson