• Defend the Triple Lock
    On 17 November, the government will announce in its autumn statement whether it will reinstate the state pension triple lock for 2023. The triple lock rules that the state pension must rise in line with whichever is highest of inflation, average earnings or 2.5%. The Prime Minister has previously refused to commit to reinstating the triple lock. For 2022, the triple lock was suspended meaning that the state pension rise of 3.1% in April was quickly overtaken by inflation which at that point was already at 11%. The cost of living crisis is really a cost of greed crisis. Profiteering energy companies are driving up energy bills and driving more people into poverty. Older people spend a larger proportion of their fixed income on energy bills, meaning more of Unite's retired members will be forced into an impossible choice - between heating or eating. We are calling on the Prime Minister to do the right thing by our retired members and reinstate the triple lock. *** Join Unite in the fight for dignity in retirement, through Retired Members Plus membership. Join here: https://join.unitetheunion.org/ *** *** You can also write to your MP using the National Pensioner Convention's (NPC) template letter, here: https://www.npcuk.org/post/write-to-your-mp-to-save-the-triple-lock ***
    20,208 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Josh Berlyne Picture
  • šŸš‘ Good will wonā€™t pay the bills - Give our NHS heroes a proper pay rise šŸšØ
    During the pandemic paramedics, nurses and hospital workers worked to save thousands of lives. People clapped hands and bashed pans weekly to celebrate their contribution. Itā€™s time to make sure they can pay the bills over the winter by giving a decent pay rise.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Dawson Picture
  • Pay Parity for OCS Staff!
    OCS staff at Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust do the same job as their NHS colleagues but their terms and conditions are substantially worse. They don't get enhancements or overtime rates. Sign this letter now to send a message to the trust board that they deserve full parity with NHS staff.
    11 of 100 Signatures
  • Scottish Adult Social Care in crisis - DEMAND ACTION NOW
    Unite the Union in Scotland undertook the biggest exercise in getting workers views from the sector on how a potential National Care Service in Scotland should work from them. From that survey, it was clear that the issues that were being experienced by a majority of workers couldn't wait until the creation of a National Care Service and had to be challenged immediately.
    6,487 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Paul Rolwich
  • Raise the minimum wage to Ā£15 an hour
    Every worker should be able to afford a decent standard of living. But millions of low-paid workers live wage packet to wage packet, struggling to get by ā€“ and they are now being pushed to the brink by eye-watering bills and soaring prices. For too long workers have been told that businesses can't afford to pay them more. But again and again the evidence has shown that firms are still making profits and increasing jobs ā€“ we can afford higher wages. And higher wages are good for the economy ā€“ more money in the pockets of working people means more spend on our high streets. Itā€™s time to put an end to low-pay Britain.
    39,388 of 40,000 Signatures
  • For the sacked! Fair Ferries campaign to end exploitation at sea
    We need a new deal for all workers. We demand stronger collective bargaining rights and an end to exploitative employment practices like fire and rehire.
    1,542 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Helen Kelly
  • Save Doncaster Sheffield Airport
    Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) provides a vital transport and logistics hub. It's loss would be highly detrimental to the local economy and result in the loss of good unionised jobs. In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis the last thing our members and neighbouring communities in Doncaster and the surrounding areas need is uncertainty about their jobs and futures. Peel Group's decision will likely see a slow winding down of the airport over the next few months until its final closure date in October.
    14,678 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Dawson Picture
  • Fix the cost of living crisis
    Working people have been through enough in this pandemic, now weā€™re being hit with a triple threat: 1. Eye-watering food, petrol and energy bills 2. Hikes to National Insurance and cuts to universal credit 3. Wages that don't keep up with soaring prices With energy prices set to sky-rocket to Ā£2,800 a year in autumn, things are only about to get much worse. Britainā€™s workers have been dealt a bad deal for far too long. We demand good jobs, good wages and good work. Things wonā€™t get better unless we fight to make them better. Thatā€™s why weā€™re calling on the government to deliver change and a new deal for working people. Please sign and share this petition far and wide!
    1,127 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Save Phoenix Dance Theatre jobs
    Yesterday Phoenix Theatre management confirmed they will be ending fixed-term contracts for some dancers and ā€˜laying offā€™ their permanently employed dancers for seven months. Lay offs would allow Phoenix to keep dancers in employment but pay them only Ā£100 a month until they are needed at work again, whilst severely limiting their chances of taking on other work. After Equity objected to this decision, Phoenix management wrote to all employees demanding that any Equity members identify themselves, in a clear breach of the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act. Phoenix Dance Theatre has recently been in receipt of millions of pounds of public funding from the Arts Council and Leeds City Council, among others. They have the money to treat their creative team with the respect they deserve.
    2,234 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Dominic Bascombe, Equity
  • Give Britainā€™s railways proper funding now!
    Millions of us across the country rely on train services every day to get to work, go to school, and as a greener option for travelling across the country. But the UK government is cutting Network Railā€™s annual expenditure by Ā£100 million. More than 2,600 dedicated railway workers will lose their jobs, their livelihoods and careers. That means fewer staff to undertake vital maintenance work, fewer inspectors on board trains, fewer route controllers to keep services safe and functional. Itā€™s impossible to make those cuts without cutting corners on safety. We donā€™t want to see commuters packed like sardines into unsafe trains. We donā€™t want cuts that could make accidents more likely and increase the possibility of trains flying off the tracks. We deserve safe, reliable and affordable and well maintained trains for all. The UK government must recognise the world's most successful railways are in public ownership, and backed by sustainable government funding. We demand a better vision for the future of Britainā€™s rail. We want the UK government to put safety and livelihoods first. Sign the petition to stop this jobs disaster and the largest cuts to public rail services in a generation.
    20 of 100 Signatures
  • Lloyds Banking Group - Pay your staff - not just shareholders!
    Lloyds Banking Group has announced that it will reward its shareholders with a Ā£1.4 billion pay-out and a Ā£2 billion buy-back scheme after making astronomic profits of Ā£5.9 billion after tax in 2021. But in spite of these incomprehensible numbers, the bank has abandoned its workers to the cost of living crisis by implementing a pay rise which is well below inflation levels. For years, many of us have served the bank on low salaries of around Ā£22,000 - answering phone-calls night and day, protecting customers from fraud, & inputting information. We and our families now stand to be pummelled by the cost of living crisis - which will see the biggest drop in living standards since the 1950s - while the bank stands back & willingly lets it happen. How can it be fair to pay shareholders billions, while we can barely keep our heads above water? Instead of being the CEO who prioritised already-wealthy shareholders and abandoned workers in the middle of a catastrophic living-standards crisis, we demand that Charlie Nunn do the right thing and meet our demand for an inflation-matching pay-rise. While this would be a drop in the ocean for the bank - it would make a world of difference to us.
    1,845 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Unite the Union
  • End Poverty Pay at Calderdale Royal Hospital
    NHS workers (e.g. Porters, Cleaners, Catering, Security) who are employed by ISS, a private company that is contracted by Calderdale & Huddersfield Foundation Trust to run non-clinical services, want an end to their minimum wage rates, terms and conditions. As NHS workers they are demanding alignment with the NHS ā€œAgenda for Changeā€ contract that would see their pay, terms and conditions significantly improved. Every day since March 2020, our members have put themselves at risk; at risk of getting infected and at risk of infecting their family. We clapped for them, we labelled them heroes and yet these local NHS heroes face the indignity of being treated less than; to be employed as NHS workers, but not paid as NHS workers. The Trust outsourced their responsibility to ISS and in return ISS have raced to the bottom to set these workers on minimum pay. We are simply demanding that this be corrected, that the Trust recognise its responsibility to these NHS heroes and take action to end poverty pay at Calderdale Royal Hospital.
    2,457 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Joe Wheatley